雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Revolving Loan. Apply Now. The self-employed persons can apply for a Self-employed Personal Loan because no income proof is needed. Apply online and get approved instantly. Learn more now.

  2. 相信很多人都試過用信用卡免息分期,您知道提早還款可能要支付餘下期數手續費嗎?以銀行A為例,提早還款將收取分期計劃餘下期數之手續費(最高為 10 個月之手續費)及$300行政費。

  3. www.promise.com.hk › en › apply-daily-interestwww.promise.com.hk

    Our Company has recently received reports from our customers concerning fraudulent impersonation of our staff or representatives, demanding repayment of loan. Please click here to know the details.

  4. 貸款小貼士|於一線、二線財務借貸有何分別?向二線財務借錢又好唔好?借之前要睇清楚

  5. 2018年8月31日 · Our Company has received numerous complaints from customers concerning fraudulent impersonation of our current or former staff and agents, to promote credit products. Fraudsters even use intimidate means to force bankruptcy or immediate loan repayment from customers. We would therefore like to make the following statements:

  6. 在上述系統維護時,24小時會員專線及網上會員專區貸款服務 (需更新合約者除外)是不會受影響,惟在此段時間內,有部分資料有可能未被更新及此期間執行銀行指示收取貸款時間會比較一般時間稍為延遲。

  7. 如您正面對出國進修﹑搬屋或裝修等重大決定時,貸款就是解決資金不足方法。如果私人貸款申請不獲批,隨時會打亂您全盤計劃,甚至令您要終止實踐理想。想貸款更易批其實並不困難,只要做到以下4大秘訣,貸款批核機會即時能大大增加!