雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. T. Gary Rogers and William F. Cronk buy Dreyer's Ice Cream and head East - achieving mouthwathering success for three decades. Thanks to their grand plan and sense of adventure, Dreyer's and EDY's® Ice Cream erupted smiles from coast to coast. They keep the name Dreyer's west of the Rockies and use EDY'S® east of them, in honor of cofounder ...

  2. 關於DREYER’S®皇牌家庭裝雪糕 DREYER’S®皇牌家庭裝雪糕以優質材料製造出最濃郁、最香滑的雪糕,款款均用料滿分,每啖都能嚐到粒粒配料,口感豐富!多款口味任您選,適合與摯愛一同齊齊分享,讓您與家人盡情享受粒粒的滋味口感! 有關更多品牌資料及資訊,請瀏覽Dreyer’s Hong Kong Facebook

  3. Ice cream bowls are everywhere. You're at the 1904 World's Fair slinging ice cream until, wait, no more bowls. What to do. You see a guy selling waffles at the next booth, and you think a crazy thought. Roll up a waffle, delicious scoop goes on top, boom. World, prepare to meet the Drumstick® cone. Drumstick® cone, prepare to meet the world.

  4. 購物指南 Everuts 全球代購 Everuts實時連線群組 ThePlace 網店平台 新手攻略 Citi HKTVmall 信用卡 購買保險指南 憑積分消費 商品分類 ...

  5. DREYER & CO.,LTD. Tel:(852)2613 2016 Fax:(852)2612 2016 Email:info@dreyer.com.hk

  6. 2020年5月9日 · DREYER'S皇牌家庭裝雪糕系列,多達八款經典口味,例如士多啤梨、薄荷朱古力、曲奇妙趣等,夏天來到雪糕控有係時候入定貨啦!. 睇睇Dreyer's雪糕口味排名啦:. +5. 點擊圖片放大. 石板街口味是Dreyer's雪糕公司在1929年發明,主要材料有朱古力味雪糕、杏仁碎和 ...

  7. 04•19•23. 02•20•23. Froneri is a Worldwide recognized ice cream manufacturer. Learn more about our story.

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