雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年7月29日 · 第46屆 隅田川煙火大會. ※2023年的活動已結束。. 隅田川煙火大會的歷史要追溯到西元1733年。. 1732年曾發生大饑荒和瘟疫,為了告慰亡靈和祈禱瘟疫退散而舉辦的「兩國初夏納涼大會」的煙火是此煙火大會的起源。. 1961年之前一直在兩國橋上游舉辦的「兩國初夏 ...

  2. 2023年8月17日 · Hagi (bush clover) tunnel. Hagi (bush clover) is another flower associated with autumn. One of the best places to see these delicate blooms is Mukojima-Hyakkaen Garden, a beautiful flower garden with over 200 years of history. Every September, hagi grown over a 30-meter-long bamboo frame to create a floral tunnel is in bloom.

  3. 2024年2月20日 · 搭乘機場巴士,就能從羽田機場輕鬆前往飯店或觀光景點密集的地區。. 如有需要,請在到達機場後,前往服務台(提供雙語服務)購票;購票之際也別忘了確認搭乘處與停靠站。. 利木津巴士(東京空港交通). 從羽田機場出發. 至東京城市航空總站約需45分鐘 ...

  4. Sanno Festival (Sanno Matsuri) 2-10-5 Nagatacho, Chiyoda City, Tokyo. 2024-6-7 - 2024-6-17. Image by Hie Jinja Shrine. Updated: May 1, 2024. The Sanno Festival is one of the three great festivals of Edo (the former name of Tokyo), alongside Kanda Matsuri and Fukagawa Matsuri. During the Edo period (1603-1867), portable shrines known as mikoshi ...

  5. Overview. Tokyo Travel Guide, Tokyo’s official travel guidebook, is packed withnot-to-be-missed sights, foods, shopping locations, transportation information, and tourist maps of the best areas of Tokyo so that you can fully enjoy this diverse city. The guide offers information in nine languages, 10 versions. The flyer is available by a PDF file.

  6. 2022年10月19日 · Zojoji Temple and the steps to Atago-jinja Shrine Founded in 1393, venerable Zojoji Temple makes for an iconic photo with Tokyo Tower looming behind. Climb the steep steps of Atago-jinja Shrine, which is perched on a hill that (prior to all the skyscrapers) once offered views over the city as a lookout to spot fires. ...

  7. 5月 與日本黃金周假期一起展開一系列祭典活動。. 每到綠化節(5月4日),東京的部分公園或庭園會免費開放參觀;隔天的兒童節(5月5日)則隨處可見色彩繽紛的鯉魚旗。. 6月 逐漸變得悶熱起來。. 梅雨季節到來,但東京並不是每天都陰雨連綿。. 您可以到啤酒 ...

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