雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 花豹少女隊劇情. The Cheetah Girls was an American girl group consisting of Adrienne Bailon, Kiely Williams, Sabrina Bryan, and Raven-Symoné. The group was created by Disney, and was made famous by the eponymous Disney Channel original film and its sequels, The Cheetah Girls 2 and The Cheetah Girls: One World. Teen sensation Raven (That ...

  2. 危機救援 The Crew 線上看《危機救援TheCrew》(俄羅斯語: Экипаж,翻譯成 Ekipazh),是由尼古拉·列別傑夫( NikolaiLebedev)執導並於2016年4月發行的 Russia-1 Channel製作的俄羅斯災難片。該片由弗拉基米爾·馬什科夫( Vladimir ...

  3. 清秀佳人 Anne of Green Gables 線上看《清秀佳人》,由加拿大廣播公司CBC電視臺和KevinSullivan所製播的迷你影集,分別在1985年、1987年、2000年播出,主要內容人物改編自加拿大作家露西·莫德·蒙哥馬利所著的長篇小說清秀佳人系列。【清秀佳人】的故事 ...

  4. 花與蛇:零 花と蛇 ZERO 線上看《花與蛇:零花と蛇ZERO》團鬼六的肉慾小說人氣系列的最新作「花と蛇ZERO」終於被電影化了,這次系列第四部的企劃概念是原點回歸,至今爲止的「花と蛇」系列,故事都是圍繞着主人公遠山靜子展開的,而本作啓用了三位女主演,描繪出三人三種不同的肉慾世界。

  5. 《漂丿男子漢》是2007年三池崇史執導的日本電影,改編自高橋弘的漫畫《WORST極惡王》。2009年4月11日原班導演和演員拍攝的續作《漂丿男子漢2》上映。2014年4月12日全新導演和演員拍攝的《漂丿男子漢3》上映。日本鬼才名導三池崇史又一震撼暴力鉅作!改編自日本總銷售量超過3200萬本的無敵ㄏㄤ...

  6. 幕府將軍劇情. Won 3 Golden Globes. Another 4 wins & 12 nominations John Blackthorne, an English ship pilot, whose vessel wrecked upon the Japanese coast in the early 17th century is forced to deal with the two most powerful men in Japan in these days. He is thrown in the midst of a war between Toranaga and Ishido, who struggle for the ...

  7. Lommbock劇情. Sequel to Lammbock. Stefan and Kai meet again after years. Stefan became a successful lawyer in Dubai while Kai is stuck in their home town. Kai has relationship issues and is trying hard to get in touch with his step son who is getting in serious trouble with some drug dealers.

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