雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

  2. 中銀香港為您提供創新、專業及全面的金融服務,助您創富增值,致力成為您的最佳銀行。

  3. 貿易融資及服務 全方位貿易融資及服務 助您把握營商先機

  4. 中銀Chill Card客戶可於指定星期三搶NAKED FLOWERS舞光影展.香港站電子門票兩張*。 立即購票 (門票已火速爆滿) (2024年4月17日上午10時開始) 中銀Chill Card 客戶專享購票及餐飲優惠,詳情請按此。 仲未有Chill Card? 立即申請

  5. Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

  6. Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

  7. Make appointment of opening a Hong Kong account. To facilitate your appointment booking, please provide the following information. Your ID Type. Please Select HKID Card PRC ID Card PRC Passport Macau ID Card Other Passports. Account Type to be opened. Please Select Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect: Dedicated Nor...