雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年1月17日 · While most of Tokyo is talking about the Olympics, others are kicking it old school by playing an ancient type of Japanese football called Kemari. Kemari is said to have come from China 14 centuries ago. Participants use only their right foot to keep the ball from

  2. 2017年5月15日 · | All About Japan. Jinichi Segawa 2017年5月15日 更新. 体育 事件 萌物 兵库 关西. 每年的八月,要问全日本最瞩目的运动是什么? 那应该就是全国高校野球大会了。 因为是在甲子园举行,所以也被称为夏天的甲子园。 说起国民对甲子园的支持程度,从到球场现场观战的观众人数以及全国所有的比赛只有直播的形式来中可见一斑。 那么,高中生的野球大会到底为什么如此受到日本人追捧呢。 这就为你带来「夏日甲子园」的详细报道。 甲子园是连胜地方预选赛的棒球少年聚集的场所。 全国高校野球大会开幕式。 齐聚了连胜地方预选赛的49支队伍。 所有的高校野球队伍都以这个正式的战场为目标,每天披星戴月的练习。 但是,能出场的只有每个地区的优胜队伍。 长椅上能坐18个人。

  3. 2017年6月5日 · A game played by royals 1,400 years ago, held at this nature-rich shrine in Nara. Japan's football starts here!

  4. All About Sports!! All About Japan and Japanese stuff! Find anime, music, castles, food, restaurants, videos, shopping, travel tips and more. New mega-feature every Monday! Official 2020 Summer Olympics Posters Unveiled Art 2020 Olympics As 2020 kicks off ...

  5. 2017年12月23日 · Kicking It Old School. When people think of Heian-Period (794-1185) aristocrats, the first thing that comes to mind usually isn’t a sport that looks like a cross between soccer (or football, whichever you prefer) and a game of Hackey Sack played on your college quad. But it turns out the classical ruling class sometimes played kemari (or ...

  6. 2017年6月9日 · Soccer vs. Samurai. Nissin Cup Noodle ads seldom have anything to do with cup noodles. Much like Canadian beer commercials, they often draw on juxtaposition between historical nostalgia and edgy modernism to try to define the modern spirit of the nation—and often do a pretty good job of it to boot! In the run-up to the 2014 FIFA World Cup in ...

  7. 1995年龍池小學因人口減少與周邊學校合併而廢校,2006年11月以全新面貌「京都國際漫畫博物館」而重生,在2008年時更榮獲登錄為有形文化資產的殊榮。京都國際漫畫博物館收藏了從明治時代開始相關的漫畫史料,至今已有將近30萬件作品,博物館內分為常設展覽區、特展區、研究區、收藏區及龍池 ...

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