雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港大學專業進修學院提供中醫學課程及短期課程。瀏覽我們的兼讀制及全日制課程。 傳承中醫文化,普及中醫藥養生保健知識,推廣身心健康理念;提升香港中醫師專業質素,推動中西醫學協作,培養中醫藥人才;這是HKU SPACE中醫科目組別30年來始終不變的願景和努力方向。

  2. 課程簡介. 適當營養可提升做運動時的表現。. 本課程旨在讓學員對運動的營養需求有進一步認識及了解傷患的防治。. 特別適合運動愛好者、在職或業餘體育及運動人士就讀,包括體育教師、運動教練、體適能教練、運動員、運動愛好者等。.

  3. 每張收據申請費用為港幣30 元。. 支票抬頭註明「香港大學專業進修學院」。. 《抗疫營養學》 短期課程旨在教授學員正確而有科學根據的營養學知識,不盲目跟從各種潮流,正確選擇有「營」食物,達至均衡飲食, 提升身體免疫力, 預防疾病。.

  4. Highlights. In association with the Ulster University, U.K., HKU SPACE offers the Master of Science (MSc) in Dietetics. The programme is offered on a part-time basis (except for the clinical placement) which falls in line with the school’s mission in delivering flexible programmes which meet the needs of potential students and the community.

  5. 高級文憑課程 - 課程 - HKU SPACE Community College如果你想在專業領域進修,或者為升讀學士學位作好準備,你可以選擇我們的高級文憑課程。我們提供多個學科範疇,包括商業、社會科學、工程、創意媒體等,讓你按自己的興趣和目標發展。我們的課程質素優良,教學團隊經驗豐富,畢業生有機會升

  6. HKU SPACE provides the largest offering of Continuing Education Fund (CEF) reimbursable courses in Hong Kong. Certificate in Portuguese (Intermediate) 中西營養食療證書 Certificate for Module (Corporate Event Management) Certificate for Module (Applications and Management of Regenerative Medicine) 素食營養及食療基礎證書 證書(單元 : 國家語委普通話水平測試應試 ...

  7. Entry Requirements. Applicants shall: I. a) hold a bachelor’s degree awarded by a recognised university; OR. b) hold a Higher Diploma awarded by a recognised institution with at least 2 yrs working experience;OR. c) hold an Advanced Certificate in Nutrition awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE; AND.

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