雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 8 小時前 · 港超聯冠軍理文宣布和陣中3大外援續約,包括前鋒安尼亞、保連奴及中場保利臣,另外日本左閘立花稜也仍然有約,來季都會留隊。 理文新季將出戰亞冠2,日前球隊宣布放走列斯奧、基華利頓、荷西安祖、亞哥斯達、港將袁皓俊及余沛康等11位約滿球員。

  2. 8 小時前 · 英國明天(周四)舉行大選,首相辛偉誠在最後48小時最後衝刺,呼籲選民勿讓工黨獲「超級多數」國會席位。兩間著名財經刊物《金融時報》和《經濟學人》雜誌表態支持在野工黨。雖然多項民調一直顯示保守黨的支持度大幅落後工黨多達20個百分點,但辛偉誠堅稱自己沒有放棄,並在最後48小時內 ...

  3. 8 小時前 · wearyelco. All Activity. Central defenders all over west of Scotland will sleep easier from now on in , g retires and quite simply the best centre forward I’ve seen in the junior game over the last 15 years , what a player.

  4. 8 小時前 · Overview of the football match on 03.07.2024 between The New Saints and Kilmarnock that is part of World International Club Friendly 2024 July stage. Match live stream, score and risk assessment, match history, and lineups of Kilmarnock and The New Saints.

  5. 8 小時前 · 葡萄牙球星C朗拿度於周一歐國盃16強對斯洛文尼亞,先落地獄再上天堂,加時射失12碼失控痛哭,之後互射12碼階段再操刀中補過,助球隊晉級。C朗比賽時的心跳數據周三曝光,揭示C朗在互射12碼階段操刀時的心跳竟極低,可見未受早前宴客影響,證超強心理質素。 C朗短時間內由地獄上天堂 葡萄牙 ...

  6. 8 小時前 · Germany v Spain. A travesty one of these teams have to go out at this stage - should be a cracker and I fancy Germany to win narrowly perhaps in extra time. 3-2 Germany. France v Portugal. Not holding out on it being a cracker , think France will win be a single goal. 1-0 France. England v Switzerland. Really hope the Swiss can do this - going ...

  7. 8 小時前 · Pro-Palestinian protesters have blockaded a defence and security company as they call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. More than 100 people blocked entrances to the Thales factory in Glasgow on Wednesday, urging the company to end links with Israel. Demonstrators are also calling on the UK Government to ban arms exports to Israel.