雅虎香港 搜尋


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  2. 滙豐強積金(MPF). 遞交強積金付款結算書. 你想用一個準確,安全及方便的方法遞交強積金付款結算書嗎?. 請立刻致電你的企業服務經理或滙豐強積金僱主熱線2583 8033查詢以電子方式遞交強積金付款結算書的詳情。. 聲明. 有關的強積金服務,包括但不限於網上 ...

  3. 倘存款於到期時被轉換為掛鈎貨幣,閣下有可能因支付的貨幣貶值而招致損失。. 此等損失可能會抵銷存款所賺取的利息,甚至導致本金虧損。. 有別於買入掛鈎貨幣 — 投資於「高息投資存款」有別於直接買入掛鈎貨幣。. 市場風險 — 「高息投資存款」的淨回報 ...

  4. 憑年資盡享精采購物折扣!. 靈活使用「獎賞錢」換領禮品,為您節省更多!. 香港滙豐. 信用卡. 最紅獎賞計劃. 購物網. 立即下載滙豐Reward+ 應用程式以「獎賞錢」換領禮物及禮券!. 您可以您專屬的年資折扣, 更快更便捷地於「獎賞錢」e-Shop換領心儀禮品。. 詳情 >.

  5. We'd like to bring you a simpler banking experience – one that's the most convenient to you, even when you're on the go. From October 2023 onwards, we'll gradually replace the following services on HSBC Online Banking with HSBC HK App or other channels. ...

  6. The card that makes earning rewards easy. Earning rewards is easier than ever. Get up to 4% RewardCash rebate when you spend online, 2% for local supermarket spending, and 1% for all other local and overseas spending. You can easily enjoy rewards when you spend.

  7. 一个安稳的退休人生,可以由累积财富开始。今年45岁的Adrian,是一名电影摄影师。由于他是自由工作者,收入随市道而变,所以更明白未雨 绸缪的后果;为了未来有稳定的退休收入,他投保了聚富入息保险计划 II。

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