雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Carousell係一個手機網上平台令買賣變得好似影相同傾計咁簡單! 我哋相信改變我哋而家嘅消費模式,可以令呢個世界更美好! FOLLOW US

  2. Carousell上買賣時,記得留意以下騙案手法,時刻提高警覺,以免誤墮騙徒陷阱。 我哋會定期更新以下安全貼士建議,分享買賣時需要留意嘅地方。 如果你有發現可疑帳號,請回報畀我哋。 ⚠️點擊連結前要三思 📲 勒索軟件最常入侵企業網絡嘅方式係透過私訊或電子郵件。 通常,詐騙集團會 ...

  3. 每日有成一半嘅時間留喺屋企,打造一個溫馨、舒適嘅家居點可以唔用Carousell。你可以喺度用抵價買傢俬&家居用品! 跳到內容 電子產品 流行時尚 名牌 服務 汽車 樓盤 分類 注册 登入 賣嘢 喺 傢俬&家居 +km 搜尋 傢俬&家居 100,000+ 買賣全新或二手傢俬 ...

  4. Select photos. or drag photos here. (Up to 10 photos) Make money while saving the Earth when you sell secondhand fashion, bicycles, furniture, phones, or cars. You can even rent out your apartment or offer services, all without paying a listing fee.

  5. ( 由於Carousell 已執行限制回覆配額,購物者出價前請看清楚全文 / 不必問有冇貨,請直接出價!!!如不出價而發問題者,一律不回,文盲、議價者勿擾!敬請合作) 漫畫大師邱福龍 + 其他漫畫周邊產品;請對號尋找價錢,全新從未拆封,HK$10起,抵到啪啪聲!

  6. Everyone Wins on Carousell. Unlock exclusive features when you download the Carousell app today! Great deals & variety on electronics, fashion, used cars, aircon servicing, handyman services, furniture and more on Carousell.

  7. Login. Don't have an account yet? Create account. Carousell is a simple way to sell the clutter in your life and find great deals to save you cash! List something for sale in 30 secs and buy what you need in a chat.

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