雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 这几点做到了你也可以! 日本人 日本健康饮食. 很多人都好奇,为什么看起来日本人普遍都很瘦? 其实这里大有玄机,悄悄给你个秘籍,来和樱花妹们一起健康瘦身吧! 吃豆腐宝典! 豆腐大师教你如何软硬兼施. 日本人 日本健康饮食. 通过这篇介绍日本豆腐的文章,吃豆腐专家的桂冠在向你招手哦。 日本购物:日本茶种类知多少? 最适合带回国的日本茶伴手礼大推荐! 茶 日本健康饮食. 每个国家都有属于自己的饮品文化,日本和中国一样,以饮茶为主,一起来看看日本茶到底有什么特别之处吧! 省省吧,万圣节别再装鬼吓人了,赶紧跟我捡垃圾去! 万圣节. 今年东京的万圣节,有きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ(卡莉怪妞)助阵,号召大家拿着南瓜袋子上街捡垃圾,所以请把要喝得烂醉躺倒在垃圾箱旁哦,被人家装进袋子就不好了。

  2. 2020年5月8日 · The government announced plans to offer a relief package of ¥100,000 to every individual in Japan, including foreign residents. Check out our brief guide on eligibility for the ¥100,000 COVID-19 fund and how to get it.

  3. 2020年6月22日 · The Japanese government on Friday launched an app that notifies users when they may have come into contact with someone infected with COVID-19. The smartphone app called COCOA records contact when someone else with the app installed stays within a distance of one meter (about 3.3 feet) for 15 minutes or more.

  4. 2019年9月3日 · All travelers with IC passports arriving at Narita Airport’s Terminal 3 can use the electronic customs declaration gate! Previously the system had been in place for limited users as a test run, but now it's being rolled out for public use.

  5. 2020年2月28日 · English, Chinese and Korean speakers in Japan that need information about coronavirus can call the Japan Visitor Hotline at 050-3816-2787. Japan National Tourism Organization operates the hotline 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.

  6. 2019年3月18日 · Let's start with greetings. Regardless of whether you're going to school, going into work, checking out of a hotel or even just walking down a neighborhood street, ohayo gozaimasu is a phrase you'll hear constantly. In most cases ohayo gozaimasu is simply a polite way of saying the standard greeting, "good morning."

  7. 2017年1月26日 · 提起Chocola BB,便会想起它是日本女性追求美容与健康时不可缺少的系列护理用品。 配合了维生素C600mg与L-光胱氨酸240mg的Chocola BB lucent C,除了能对皮下黑色素进行无色化处理,药品中所添加的维生素B2,B6和氮苯酸原子,还能使新陈代谢正常化,缓和色斑雀斑 ...