雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年6月11日 · Here's the goods on date-worthy cafés in some of Tokyo's trendiest neighborhoods.

  2. 包含伊勢龍蝦、志摩鮑魚、的矢牡蠣、ANORI河豚到伊勢烏龍麵,來到三重地區伊勢志摩可以品嘗到各種鄉土料理與使用高級食材製成的美味料理。. 接下來讓我們從宇治山田車站坐上近鐵列車到鳥羽站去吧!. 自鳥羽港出海,青翠的「 御木本真珠島 」映入眼簾 ...

  3. 2019年3月18日 · Magma Kairo. As the name suggests, these "magma" kairo pads are the way to move forward if the normal ones weren't hot enough. Boasting temperatures of up to 73 degrees Celsius (163.4°F), direct contact with the skin is not really recommended due to the potential of burning yourself. The best way to use these is to wrap them in a scarf before ...

  4. 2017年1月26日 · History. Former samurai Yasubei Kimura found himself out of work following the dissolution of the samurai class and the rise of an all-conscript military during the Meiji Period (1868-1912). In 1869, he founded a bakery named Bun'eido in what is now the Shinbashi area of Tokyo, picking up on the staple that had been recently reintroduced to ...

  5. 2016年1月19日 · Whether you're an expert in applying makeup or have just started on your cosmetic journey, these four YouTubers can give you tips about applying everyday makeup and Japanese cosmetics. Kim Dao, a Vietnamese-Australian YouTuber, is not only a Japanophile who vlogs about her experiences in Japan, but she's also an avid makeup enthusiast who uploads videos about everyday makeup trends in Japan.

  6. 來到關西,尤其是到了大阪,一定要品嘗的就是他們的燒肉。燒肉在大阪可說是足以媲美章魚燒的美食,其中被譽為日本國寶級美食的黑毛和牛更是名揚海外,在國內外都受到許多人的歡迎。通常想吃到黑毛和牛,大筆鈔票的話都是免不了的。不過來到大阪你可以用最經濟實惠的價格吃到頂級的和牛 ...

  7. 前面介紹了設立在寺廟中的咖啡店,看似有些不搭但進入店內便會發現毫無違和感。接下來要介紹的店家更為獨特,在供奉了日本國內最大的觀音像的長谷寺中,竟然可以品味到別處沒有的咖哩「お寺のカレー」,加上餐點的費用也設定在1,000日元左右, 一點也不會造成荷包的負擔。