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  1. kcash.hk › pdf › investor-relationskcash.hk

    3 “Accounts” the audited consolidated financial statements of the Group for the three years ended December 31, 2020, 2021 and 2022 and the five months ended May 31, 2023 contained in the accountant’s report from the Reporting Accountant and appended as

  2. 7x24 AI極速全自助貸款. 全港唯一7x24「網上+實體」AI全自助貸款體驗。. 24 小時貸款,想借就借,免入息證明文件,20秒內全自動提供貸款選項*,現金過數,幾時落分行即撳即攞 Cash!. *在通過信貸風險評估並透過K Cash App 成功提交貸款申請後,7x24 人工智能貸款 ...

  3. Mr. Lee Kun Tai Steven and Ms. Wong Cheuk Sze as executive Directors, Mr. Lee Sheung Shing, Ms. Lee Pik Tsong, Ms. Chan Wing Sze and Ms. Kan Pui Yan as non-executive Directors, and Prof. Hung Wai Man JP, Mr. Mak Wing Sum Alvin and Mr. Leung Ka Cheung as

  4. 幫你慳息慳時間,話咁易就還清貸款, 有助改善信貸評級之餘,仲可以借多筆錢你傍身!. 新客戶即享現時利息8折優惠. AI即時計出最優惠整合嘅計劃. 網上申請及簽訂貸款合約. 貸款額高達. 200 萬. 年利率低至. 10 %. 還款期長達.

  5. K Cash 實體 + 網上智能金融貸款平台,借貸最快 5 分鐘批核,24 小時現金到手,全港智能櫃員機即攞現金。新客戶更可享利率 8 折優惠。K Cash 已處理貸款申請數量超過 8 萬宗。

  6. – 2 – 2.4. The company secretary of the Company or any person appointed by the Committee shall be the secretary of the Committee. In the absence of the secretary, the members present shall elect one of themselves or appoint another person as the secretary

  7. 任何更改或更新,都必需要經由我哋嘅客戶服務專員處理。. 如果需要調整 私人貸款 金額、貸款還款期限或更改個人資料,. 請電郵至 cs@kcash.hk 或致電 21111 211。. K Cash Limited. 放債人牌照號碼:1716/2023. K Cash Express Limited. 放債人牌照號碼:0885/2023. 本網站所列之 ...