雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.ive.edu.hk › st › ivesite沙田 << VTC - IVE

    歡迎你瀏覽香港專業教育學院(沙田)的網站。 香港專業教育學院(沙田)是一所充滿活力的院校,致力為學生締造學習與成長的空間。過去30多年來,本學院與時並進,不斷革新,應付這個瞬息萬變的世代所帶來的挑戰和機遇之餘,也能確保為年輕畢業生及在職人士提供有質素和具價值的升學選擇。

  2. Introduction. Shine Skills Centre (SSC) is a member of VTC Group which offers skills training programmes for people with disabilities aged 15 or above to enhance their employability. The three offering sites of Shine Skills Centre are SSC (Kwun Tong), SSC (Pokfulam) and SSC (Tuen Mun). With its diverse programme choices, flexible training mode ...

  3. www.ive.edu.hk › ivesite › htmlHome << IVE

    As a member of the VTC Group, the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) is the leading vocational and professional education provider in Hong Kong, committed to nurturing professionals valued by industries. ... 05 Feb 2024 [News from Institutions]Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) and Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (GAFA) present the debut co-organised “Tradition in the Future ...

  4. IVE (Lee Wai Lee) has been relocated to a new campus adjacent to the Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) in Tseung Kwan O since Sep 2010. The technologically advanced campus is equipped with specialised teaching and learning facilities including Interactive Media Studio, 3D Animation Studio, Multimedia Advertising Studio, Multimedia Entertainment ...

  5. www.ive.edu.hk › st › ivesite沙田 << VTC

    本活動藉著探訪、交流、社區服務及實地考察等活動,讓學生了解柬埔寨的貧窮及其他社會問題、鼓勵學生體驗及反思個人如何面對逆境,並提供機會學生服務當地的弱勢社群,藉此發揮對社群的關愛精神,並發展個人的領導才能。. 學生發展處舉辦越南 ...

  6. Tuen Mun. The Language Centre offers an interactive learning environment for students to enjoy the learning of English and Communication as well as Chinese and Putonghua. A diversified, communicative and student-centered learning approach is adopted in class to promote classroom interactions and foster students' independent thinking and ...

  7. No entries found! 幼兒、長者及社會服務系的課程旨在提供高質素的幼兒教育、社會服務及社區教育,以及社會工作的專業培訓,課程透過實習、參觀、國內交流、工作坊、義工服務活動等建立學員專業的知識、技能及態度。. 幼兒、長者及社會服務系致力為 ...