雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 管理層對未來《2023 中國好聲音》播出時間表的預期,該節目於2023 年8月停播; 節目直接相關的業務沒有收入和現金流。這些業務包括IP授權、與公司長期客戶未來的音樂合作,與�. 管理層對與該系列節目直接相關的業務在未來能否恢復到合理水平的預期; 支持管理層在夢響強音商譽減值測試中,預測未來公司其他綜藝節目(如「蒙面唱將猜猜猜」系列節目)、及其他策劃的音樂綜藝節目的音樂版權許可不會產生收入和現金流的原因和相關文件。 管理層對其他綜藝節目的音樂版權授權收入和現金流能否在未來恢復到合理水平的預期;和. 支持管理層為進行夢響強音商譽減值測試而預測夢響強音包括KTV音樂版權授權和KTV音樂版權維權在內的常規業務的收入和現金流量較往年實際業績將顯著減少的原因及相關文件。

  2. The board of directors (the “Board”) of Tungtex (Holdings) Company Limited (the “Company”) hereby announces that a meeting of the Board of the Company will be held on Wednesday, 29 November 2023 for the purpose of, among other matters, considering and approving the interim results of the Company and its subsidiaries for the six months ...

  3. Pacific Asset Management, which owns 264,700,000 H Shares of the Company (representing approximately 19.02% of the total issued H Shares and approximately 4.76% of the total issued Shares) as at 30 June 2021 as disclosed in the Company’s interim report for the six months ended 30 June 2021, is in turn a non-wholly owned subsidiary of CPIC ...

  4. 4 二零二三年中報 中國平安保險(集團)股份有限公司 董事長致 深化戰略 修煉內功 收獲新時期的高質量發展 春種粟、秋收子,因果相循、天道酬勤。2023 年是改革開 放45周年,也是平安創立35周年。當年我們在蛇口特區發 初心立志,保障萬家平安美滿、服務民族復興宏圖,種責任

  5. www1.hkexnews.hk › listedco › listconewswww1.hkexnews.hk


  6. The Board has received notice from the Concert Parties that on 9 April 2021, the Concert Parties have further entered into an Amendment Deed to the effect that (i) only Bright Creator, Mr. Chan and Mrs. Chan, remain as the Remaining Concert Parties, and (ii) the Outgoing Parties, namely Sun Foo Sing, Mr. Ho, Mr. Tsui K. F., Mr. Lam, Ms. Tsui and...

  7. EF001 Page 2 of 2 v 1.1.1 Information relating to withholding tax Details of withholding tax applied to the dividend declared Not applicable Information relating to listed warrants / convertible securities issued by the issuer Details of listed warrants / convertible

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