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  1. 2017年10月3日 · 100 JAPAN 2017年10月3日 更新 茶 购物 宣传 提到日本茶,大家首先会联想到一抹青绿。日本的绿茶种类多样,各有名堂。看完这篇文章,你不仅可以轻松辨识抹茶,煎茶以及烘焙茶之间的区别,还能让你更轻松的享受夏日里的茶滋味。茶文化是日本 ...

  2. 2019年3月18日 · Prior to 2013, if a beneficiary’s jusho was outside Japan, they were considered a “limited taxpayer,” and were liable only for inheritance tax on assets in Japan at the time a relative passes away. However, in April 2013, Japan introduced changes to its inheritance tax laws designed to target Japanese nationals who were giving up their citizenship to avoid taxes on their overseas assets.

  3. 2013年12月30日 · Osechi-ryori, the traditional New Year’s holiday food in Japan, has a long tradition stretching back to the Heian Period (794-1185). Originally, it was considered taboo to cook meals on a hearth during the first three days of the New Year, so stackable boxes filled with long-lasting food items were prepared by December 31 for consumption over ...

  4. 2017年4月29日 · What is Otoshidama? Kids in Japan are making out like bandits and getting not presents but cold, hard cash on New Year’s Day in the form of otoshidama. On January 1 in Japan, families traditionally get together to talk, laugh, drink, and eat large amounts of food that would give even the most gluttonous Christmas turkey gobbler a run for ...

  5. 2019年7月30日 · And if you need something sweet to wash away Gudetama’s acerbic accusation, ¥790 will get you a hot chocolate latte, with a marshmallow shaped like Gudetama’s surprisingly curvy buttocks sticking out of it. Other themed food and drink will also be offered, so luckily Tokyo’s Gudetama Café will be open from November 4, 2016 to January 15 ...

  6. 2019年8月16日 · 近年来身受外国旅客欢迎的位于日本神奈川县的箱根,不仅吃喝玩乐样样具备,更能享受不同市区的新鲜氛围。这篇将介绍如何前往箱根以及必备的超省套票,甚至用不到1万日元就能享受到的一泊二食温泉旅馆,便能享有从车站到住宿的免费接送服务,当然基本配备的疗愈人心天然温泉也都帮大家 ...

  7. 2017年10月16日 · These groups organize a variety of events and activities with the intent of helping you find like-minded individuals and a sense of community. In Japan, there are several groups, including: Tokyo LGBTQIAP+ and Supporters. Picnics, hikes, lunches, onsen outings, movies, dance parties... a wide variety of events with one simple purpose: to make ...