雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. As tax loan is a low-interest loan product, the repayment period offered by banks may mainly vary from 12 to 24 months only. While money lenders may offer a more flexible repayment plan. For example, Promise offers repayment period varies from 3 to 84 months, allowing you to select the most suitable repayment plan.

  2. 失業無業人士想借錢?一文睇清申請失業貸款條件 更新日期 2022.04.22 新冠疫情重創香港經濟,令失業率節節攀升。政府為紓緩失業及無業人士面臨的財政壓力,再次推出「百分百擔保個人特惠貸款計劃」(失業貸款),讓失業及無業者借錢解決燃眉之急。

  3. Updated on 2022.04.22 Unemployment rate has surged to new highs as Hong Kong's economy is hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to reduce the financial pressure of the unemployed and jobless, the HK government announced to launch the 100% Personal Loan Guarantee Scheme (Unemployment Loan) again to help them meet urgent financial needs.

  4. 網上查詢. 在 常見問題 未能找到答案?. 邦民樂意為您提供協助。. 請將問題或意見填寫到下列表格,我們會儘快回覆。. 您是否希望我們回覆?. 您是否本公司會員?. 無論您想查詢我們的貸款服務,還是對我們的服務有任何意見,歡迎您隨時透過網上方式與 ...

  5. 最後更新日期︰2022年12月 個人資料收集聲明 為以下列出的目的,邦民日本財務(香港)有限公司(下稱「 邦民 」)現向客戶及任何其個人資料會被邦民收集或由客戶提供予邦民供邦民使用的第三方(下稱「 第三方 」)發出此通知。

  6. Pay off Credit Card Debt Fast! 5 Top Tips to Avoid the Minimum Payment Trap Updated on 2022.05.31 Whether it is shopping online or in-store consumption, Hong Kong people are used to paying with credit cards. However, this could impose the risk of ...

  7. 扣除後的入息總額 $300,000. 減 : 基本免稅額 $132,000. 應課稅入息實額 $168,000. 按累進稅率計算的應繳稅款 $11,520. 減 : 100%稅款寬減(上限為$6,000元) $6,000. 應繳稅款 $5,520. 透過選擇個人入息課稅作交稅計算方法,可以其他收入抵銷其業務虧損,因而少付稅款$16,040元 ...