雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. a resulting from a brain haemorrhage. 輕微中風. mini-stroke uk / ˌmɪn.i ˈstrəʊk/ us / ˌmɪn.i ˈstroʊk/ noun. a medical problem in which there is not enough blood flow to the brain for a short time, which can cause some physical problems that may not be permanent: She suffered a mini-stroke and temporarily lost her vision. 她突發輕微中風,暫時失明。

  2. 2024年5月9日 · 中風分為兩種類型:一種是由血管阻塞所造成的 缺血性腦中風 ( 英語 : brain ischemia );一種是由出血所造成的 出血性腦中風英語intracranial hemorrhagic stroke )。不論是缺血性或是出血性腦中風都會造成腦功能異常 [4]。

  3. 中 zhòng 風 (英語: stroke )又稱 腦血管意外 [11] ( cerebrovascular accident ,CVA),是因 脑血管 阻塞或破裂,而引起 脑组织 损伤的一组急性脑血管疾病,包括缺血性中風和出血性中風 [4] 。. 中風有許多其他 異名 ,如: 腦中風 、 腦血管事件 ...

  4. 中風. She suffered /had a stroke that left her unable to speak. 她中風了,不能開口說話。 减少例句. He's been fairly poorly since having a stroke in January. He suffered a stroke in 1988 that left him unable to speak, but his mental capacity wasn't affected. stroke noun (MARK) C2 [ C ]

  5. mini-stroke uk / ˌmɪn.i ˈstrəʊk/ us / ˌmɪn.i ˈstroʊk/ noun. a medical problem in which there is not enough blood flow to the brain for a short time, which can cause some physical problems that may not be permanent: She suffered a mini-stroke and temporarily lost her vision. 她突发轻微中风,暂时失明。.

  6. 2023年11月20日 · Definition. Stroke means that the neurological deficits caused by brain tissue damage due to sudden onset of occlusion or rupture of cerebral vessels. CVA usually happens to aged people or patients with multiple stroke risk factors. Risk Factors of Stroke. Hypertension ( systolic blood pressure > 140 mmHg; diastolic blood pressure > 90 mmHg )

  7. External sources (not reviewed) 然而腦中風CVA絕 大部份是因為本身腦血管產生病變而引起狹窄,導致血流阻塞而引起腦梗塞,因为堵塞持续时间长,导致大脑中的细胞死亡。. However, when there is a cerebral v ascul ar accident (C VA), the blockage lasts long enough to cause cell death in a ...

  8. 「中風」即是「腦血管意外」,由於腦部血管「阻塞」或「爆裂」,令腦組織不能得到充份的養料和氧氣,受影響的神經細胞因而壞死,產生各種神經症狀。 中風的徵狀包括. 半身不遂. 言語不清. 嘴歪. 眼斜. 嚴重者甚至昏迷或死亡. 吞嚥困難. 大小便失禁. 感覺麻木. 流口水. 導致中風的危險因素. 吸煙. 年齡 - 年紀越大,中風機會越大. 高血壓. 血內膽固醇過高. 過重. 缺乏運動. 先天性腦血管腫瘤或血管壁過薄. 其他疾病如糖尿病、風濕性心臟病等會令中風危險倍增. 中風後常見的併發症. 褥瘡. 半身不遂的病人整天躺在床上,臀部、腳跟及肩膀等部位因長期和床褥接觸,受到壓力,皮膚便會潰爛,甚至發炎。 最重要的預防及治療方法,是常替病人翻身,使他不會長期壓迫同一部位。

  9. 2016年12月8日 · 世界衛生組織的官網上這樣介紹中風:A stroke is caused by the interruption of the blood supply to the brain, usually because a blood vessel bursts or is blocked by a clot. This cuts off the supply of oxygen and...

  10. 研究人員還指出:中風的危險因素有許多,如高血壓、肥胖和吸煙,這些危險因素可以改變,可是家史是無法改變的。 there are many risk factors for stroke, such as high blood pressure, obesity and smoking. these risks factors can be changed, but family history cannot, they added.

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