雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. We Provide Reliable and Accurate Credit Information Our portal currently contains over 9,500,000 records from most if not all levels of Court. Learn more >>.

  2. Credit Check | Know Your Client | KYC. Court Leads Search. We provide comprehensive online legal case search helping you to perform Due Diligence ("CDD"). Know Your Clients ("KYC"), Anti-Money Laundering ("AML") and Counter-Terrorist Financing ("CTF") vetting. Land/Company Search.

  3. Our proprietary analysis is based on updated credit history and trended data insights provides you with an accurate and reliable credit score to prove your creditworthiness.

  4. What is Credit Score? Get to know what is Credit Score in 1 minute. VIDEO. Why do I get a low credit score? Is it good to let credit card idle? VIDEO. Would you like to see your credit score now? YES, SHOW ME MY CREDIT SCORE. BUY NOW. Topics. ALL.

  5. 環聯信貸報告、評分及提示服務讓你隨時隨地能夠查閱信貸報告中的紀錄,並能在你的信貸報告出現重要變動時,例如新開立帳戶或信貸查詢時發出通知。 透過掌握自己最新的信貸記錄,助你更了解自己的信貸狀況,從而改善信貸評分,為你實踐財務計畫前做好準備 。 信貸報告. 環聯信貸報告記錄了消費者過往的信貸紀錄。 報告內載有由會員(銀行及財務機構)提供的資訊。 消費者可以選擇在 網上購買信貸報告 或親身到 環聯辦事處 購買自己的信貸報告 (需 網上預約) 。 作為信貸審批流程的一部分,銀行或財務機構或會根據申請人信貸報告上的信貸紀錄及還款習慣而作出有依據,可靠且客觀地批核及提供貸款。 為了解自己當前的信貸狀況,定期查閱你的信貸報告可確保資料的準確性並同時助你減少身份被盜的風險。

  6. 信貸評級 (Credit Rating)是經由環聯信貸公司 (TransUnion,又稱TU)根據客戶的信貸紀錄評分的等級,信貸評分 (Credit Score)是從客戶開啟首個信貸戶口 (例如信用卡、私人貸款或任何抵押貸款)所收集的信貸紀錄計算出來的分數。. 當客戶申請私人貸款或按揭時,銀行及 ...

  7. MoneyHero app helps you to check your personal credit score online. Now get your credit score report for free and up-to-date financial products here.

  8. In promulgating the importance of credit health and popularising personal credit checks, MoneyHero has created a one-stop credit check solution free of charge to the public via its new MoneyHero App, where detailed analysis of credit scores and reports as well

  9. www.ifec.org.hk › debts-and-borrowing › credit-reports信貸報告

    維持良好信貸評分的方法如下: 檢視收支預算和當前的財務狀況,以查察自己的借貸和還款能力。 堅持每個月準時清付賬單。 逾期還款、延遲還款、被人追債及宣告破產,均會令你的信貸評分被打折扣。 避免過度借貸及使貸款額超過本身的負擔能力。 避免同時申請多個信貸。 查閱信貸報告,了解當中對你的財政健全狀況的說明。 若還款有困難,請通知貸款機構,商討還款計劃。 進一步了解 信貸報告 。 列印. 回到頂部 . 信貸報告包含有關個人背景及信貸記錄的資料。 信貸資料庫向其成員(如銀行和財務公司)收集你的信貸記錄資料,然後提供予銀行及其他貸款機構,以供審核你的貸款或信貸申請。

  10. www.ifec.org.hk › debts-and-borrowing › credit-reportsCredit reports - The Chin Family

    Review your budget and current finances, check if you can afford to borrow and how much you can afford repayments. Pay all your bills each month on time, every time. Missing payments, making late payments, debt collection and bankruptcies can have a negative impact on your credit score.

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