雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 葉謝鄧律師行的 一站式全球公證服務 : 有3位國際公證人 (Notary Public),由兩位合伙人 謝連忠律師及謝連豐律師 主力從事服務 ,受理承辦各項香港境內、海外文件法律公證服務; 中國公證由3位中國委托公證人全力提供服務,有 林健雄律師、楊潔林律師 、鄧達明律師簽章. 公證全球各國,一站式專業公證服務。 葉謝鄧律師行成立 於1994年,現職律師超過30人,後勤員工過百人,17個辦事處 www.ytt.com.hk 。 國際公證是根據當事人的申請(涉及一般民事類、財產類、商事類),由高等法院首席法官 (Chief Judge of High Court)正式任命的國際公證人 (Notary Public) 確認文件真實性.

  2. 關於收費:1. 網站所列收費,乃「一般常見收費數目」,用作參考,並無約朿性。 2. 最終收費可能比列出收費為高,原因大多因為案件麻煩、花時或複雜。 3. 最終收費按同事了解案件後報價,及後簽署委託書,才告作準。 4. 查詢者若在查詢時不接納報價,可以在本行外,另外尋求專業協助。 公證服務預約/查詢 Notary Public Service Enquiry. 請致電/WhatsApp 6888-9999 助理羅小姐 或 提交以下表格: 按此WhatsApp 68889999. 按此致電 68889999. 姓名 (可只提供姓) 先生/女士. 電郵. 聯絡電話. 是否接受短信SMS與您聯絡? 是否接受 Whatsapp 與您聯絡? 所須公證事務 Service required.

  3. 辦事處地址電話 - 國際公證 Notary Public | 葉謝鄧律師行. 關於收費: 葉謝鄧律師行,網絡遍佈香港九龍新界,全港17間辦事處,總有一間在你左右. 公證 (Notary), 加簽 (Apostille),領事館法律加簽 (Consulate-General legalisation) 按此致電我們 68889999 按此 whatsapp 我們 68889999. 香港區. 中環永安集團大廈. 香港中環德輔道中71號. 永安集團大廈18樓1801室. (近中環港鐵站C出口) (852) 6536-6666. 金鐘海富中心. 香港金鐘夏愨道18號. 海富中心1座29樓29C2室. (近金鐘港鐵站A出口) (852) 6214-9999. 灣仔宜興大廈. 香港灣仔莊士敦道120號

  4. Our Hong Kong Notary Public provides a range of Notarial Services to businesses and individuals. Appointed by and registered with the High Court of Hong Kong and a member of the Hong Kong Society of Notaries, we provide fast, efficient services to Notarize, Apostille and Legalize documents for use overseas (except Mainland China). Contact Us.

  5. Our Hong Kong notary public services from easyCorp provides a painless way to obtain authentications by legal institutions. Our efficient notarisation ensures your documents remain valid, legal and genuine. Notarization, Apostille, and Legalization of a document

  6. 3 天前 · The List of Notaries Public is compiled by the Law Society based on the Certificates of Appointment issued by the High Court of Hong Kong. This List is published by the Law Society for the purpose of facilitating the public and members of the Law Society in identifying and locating Notaries Public. The personal data contained in this List ...

  7. Our services include: With our Notary Public appointed by and registered with the High Court of the Hong Kong SAR and being a current member of the Hong Kong Society of Notaries, we can assist businesses and individuals to notarize, apostille and legalize documents for use overseas (except Mainland China).

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