雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. SOUVENIR翻譯:紀念品;紀念物。了解更多。 The fact that the peoples they studied preserved written records, some of which became souvenirs for trophy-hungry conquistadores and their sponsors, provided a great boon to modern scholars.

  2. Tourists will certainly want to buy souvenirs to take home. It has not been possible to confirm that imported souvenirs have been sold, but the concessionaires are being reminded of the conditions of their contract. These posts are blown away in a matter of weeks or, if not, are taken home by ramblers as souvenirs.

  3. souvenir. 显示所有例句. n. 1. 纪念物;纪念品;(度假时买回来送人的)礼物a thing that you buy and/or keep to remind yourself of a place, an occasion or a holiday/vacation; something that you bring back for other people when you have been on holiday/vacation. I bought the ring as a souvenir of Greece. 我买了一枚 ...

  4. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供souvenir的中文意思,souvenir的用法讲解,souvenir的读音,souvenir的同义词,souvenir的反义词,souvenir的例句等英语服务。.

  5. GiftU專業承辦大型禮品訂造項目,為國際企業及政府部門認可供應商, 榮獲ISO9001認證, 禮品行業首選。.

  6. SOUVENIR的意思解釋及翻譯:1. something you buy or keep to help you remember a holiday or special event: 2. something you buy…。 了解更多。 詞典

  7. souvenir. n. n. 1. 紀念品;紀念物;伴手禮 [C] She spent the morning buying souvenirs. 她上午去買紀念品了。. n. 紀念品 a souvenir of sth. 某事物的紀念.

  8. i'm looking for the souvenir department. 我想找紀念品部. after lunch in the souvenir shop. 午飯后在紀念品商店. here’s a souvenir for you. i bought from beijing. 給你個紀念品,這可是我從北京帶來的哦。the photo on the souvenir is an authorized image. 紀念品上的

  9. 『欧路词典』为您提供souvenir的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的souvenir的中文意思,souvenir的读音,souvenir的同义词,souvenir的反义词,souvenir的例句。

  10. 2020年8月4日 · 負評不斷,越鬧越多人買. 但之後爆發性的增長,造就每天那條驚人超長的人龍奇景神話,人紅自然多是非,因為日賣幾千罐又大排長龍,很自然就成為水貨客、排隊黨甚至大陸客來港圖利的目標,之後爆出不賣給香港人醜聞,那時候網民都戲稱要用 ...

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