雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 6 小時前 · Now we’re talkin’!It’s used the same way as “Finally!” It means the person got the result/opportunity/outcome they were hoping for.|@qqqqqqqqqqq it’s an expression that usually signals someone is excited or happy about something that is finally transpiring, or even just willing to agree with something. Imagine you and I were negotiating a price for a car, and I finally say a price ...

  2. 6 小時前 · 2、 Talk to the hand. (X)跟手說話。 (O)別說了,我不想聽。 “Talk to the hand” 表達不願意聽的口語,意思,「如果你有什麼話,就跟我手掌說吧」,用跟熟人或是網路聊天等輕鬆或幽默的情境,帶有一點戲謔、調侃的語氣。不適合正式或嚴肅場合。

  3. 6 小時前 · As they start coming back and finally take the lead you could say “now we’re talking!” Now we’re talkin’!的意思It’s used the same way as “Finally!” It means the person got the result/opportunity/outcome they were hoping for.|@qqqqqqqqqqq it’s an expression that usually signals someone is excited or happy about something that is finally transpiring, or even just willing to ...

  4. 6 小時前 · 中華職棒富邦悍將外野手林哲瑄昨(6)日被降下二軍,今(7)日拉上投手歐書誠,富邦悍將總教練陳金鋒說明原因,他接受《ET Today》訪問時提到 ...

  5. 6 小時前 · 近年來,柔佛東甲的社區營造(簡稱社造)與地方創生(Regional Revitalization),在一群年輕人的積極努力推動下,一點一滴地起了變化。雖不是什麼 ...

  6. 6 小時前 · 名校的階梯女主抽的是什麼? - 閒聊板 | Dcard ... - 有趣

  7. 1 天前 · 標題. [閒聊] 北市捷運有年輕男子喊64 是什麼密碼??? 如題拉 看新聞今天在台北中山站 有一20幾歲年輕男子 意圖追打一名婦人 還口中喊的64 64什麼的 然後就被其他乘客壓制 我很好奇 這年輕男子 口喊64 是什麼神秘的密碼嗎??? 求解 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊 (ptt.cc ...