雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Admission score in 2023 refers to score of the best 5 HKDSE subjects, including Chinese Language and English Language of admitted students in 2023. For reference only. (Scoring scale: 5**=7 points; 5*=6 points; 5=5 points; 4=4 points; 3=3 points; 2=2 points; 1=1 point) Students may be required to attend classes on other VTC campuses.

  2. 作為全港最具規模的職業專才教育機構,VTC將全力協助政府推行VPAS,與政府各相關部門合作執行計劃,包括審核及跟進VPAS參與者在相關行業的工作情況。 此外,VTC將繼續透過訓練委員會,就不同行業的人力需求給予意見,檢視香港經濟發展及人力需求並向政府提供相關VPAS高級文憑課程的建議。 VTC全方位推廣VPAS,包括在不同媒體、網絡平台及在內地與重點海外地區的教育展覧及中學等進行推廣宣傳,並且利用VTC在深圳的運作中心作為平台,聯合相關的行業合作夥伴共同推廣相關政策,積極開拓不同的生源渠道。 VPAS推出至今,已獲多個內地及亞洲國家主要報章廣泛報導,在內地社交媒體、線上媒體、搜尋引擎等宣傳推文亦得到了高度關注。

  3. Admission score in 2023 refers to score of the best 5 HKDSE subjects, including Chinese Language and English Language of admitted students in 2023. For reference only. (Scoring scale: 5**=7 points; 5*=6 points; 5=5 points; 4=4 points; 3=3 points; 2=2 points; 1=1 point) Students may be required to attend classes on other VTC campuses.

  4. 關於我們管治架構高級首長人員執行幹事. 管治架構. 分享. 執行幹事副執行幹事. 唐智強先生, GBS, JP. 唐智強先生於2022年1月1日獲委任為職業訓練局(VTC)執行幹事,帶領VTC推動職業專才教育及促進VTC的發展。. 唐先生為政府的前政務官,具備逾30年公共行政及 ...

  5. We regularly invite guest speakers from industry and arrange aviation-related workplace attachments for students. Admission score in 2023 refers to score of the best 5 HKDSE subjects, including Chinese Language and English Language of admitted students in 2023. For reference only. Students may be required to attend classes on other VTC campuses.

  6. 自2006年起,VTC交響樂團邀得國際著名指揮家石信之博士擔任藝術總監兼指揮。在石博士帶領下,樂團曾到北京國家大劇院、上海音樂廳等演出,亦曾與國際精英如鋼琴家蔡崇力先生、芬蘭著名女高音尤達·荷伯莉合作, 為觀眾帶來多場精彩的音樂會。

  7. We regularly invite guest speakers from industry and arrange aviation-related workplace attachments for students. Admission score in 2023 refers to score of the best 5 HKDSE subjects, including Chinese Language and English Language of admitted students in 2023. For reference only. Students may be required to attend classes on other VTC campuses.

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