雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. a civil action; common pleas

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  2. an official complaint, made by a person or company in a law court against another person who is said to have done something to harm them, that is dealt with by a judge: She brought a civil action against her former employer. 她對前僱主提出了民事訴訟。 (民事訴訟在Cambridge Chinese (Traditional)-English Dictionary的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) 瀏覽. 敏捷. 敏銳. 民事的.

  3. I. 甚麼是民事訴訟?. 民事訴訟涉及兩個或以上的人(或機構)的法律權利和義務。. 若涉案各方未能自行解決他們的糾紛,任何一方均可展開民事法律程序,以尋求獨立和公正無私的法庭或審裁機構就涉案人士的法律權利有否被侵犯而作出裁決;如有的話 ...

  4. 法學英文-民事訴訟法 (Legal English-Code of Civil Procedure) 以下法學英文中常用的民事訴訟法單字,以美國法的用語為主,部分為台灣法律英文版所採用的用詞,而中文解釋採用中華民國 (台灣)用語。. Words below are commonly used words in Code of Civil Procedure. They are mainly based on ...

  5. Many translated example sentences containing "民事訴訟" – English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations.

  6. 2023年7月21日 · 在香港提出民事訴訟,原則上需經過以下6道程序: 起訴. 抗辯. 文件透露及交換證人陳述書. 案件管理指示. 排期審訊. 審訊. 1.起訴. 展開訴訟的第一步是原告向法院提交傳訊令狀(Writ of Summons)連同申索陳述書(Statement of Claim),其中包含索賠事由和所需救濟的詳細描述,並將該文件送達被告人。 2.抗辯. 被告在獲送達原告傳訊令狀後的14天內將送達認收書送交法院存檔,以及在認收書上註明是否打算就該項申索提出爭議。 此後,被告在一定期限內提交抗辯書(Defence),對原告的主張進行回應。 答辯書應包括被告的陳述和解釋為何反對原告的申索。 在收到抗辯書後,原告可在28天內向法庭提交答覆書,此答覆書內可列出補充事實,以回覆被告所呈交的抗辯書。

  7. an official complaint, made by a person or company in a law court against another person who is said to have done something to harm them, that is dealt with by a judge: She brought a civil action against her former employer. 她对前雇主提起了民事诉讼。 See more.

  8. 民事訴訟】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:civil suit民事訴訟;common pleas民事訴訟;civil action民事訴訟;。 漢英詞典提供【民事訴訟】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法、例句等

  9. 民事訴訟法(英語: Civil Procedure ),是以民事實體法上權利實現及救濟為目的制定的法律。 民事訴訟 如同 刑事訴訟 、 行政訴訟 一樣,都是透過國家所設立的法院來進行的訴訟程序,僅是依其所針對事務的不同,而將其劃歸為此三大類。

  10. a problem taken to a law court by an ordinary person or an organization rather than the police in order to obtain a legal decision: He brought ( US also filed) a $12 million libel suit against the newspaper, claiming his reputation had been damaged. 他對這家報紙提出名譽侵權訴訟,稱其報導損害了自己的聲譽,要求索賠1200萬美元。 好訴訟的.

  11. 民事訴訟 1. civil action 2. common pleas 「民事訴訟法」的英文 1. code of civil law 「訴訟事項」的英文 1. contentious matter 「刑事訴訟」的英文 1. penal action 2. penal suit 3. criminal procedure 「海事訴訟」的英文 1. maritime litigation 「訴訟當事人」的 1. ...