雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Search for Founding Dean of the School of Medicine, CUHK (SZ) Staff. Academic Leave and Activity System (ACALA) Video Guides. Extra Outpatient Consultation Services Scheme (EOCSS) - FAQ. Voluntary Top-up Medical Insurance Scheme for Hospital Care (VTP) - FAQ. Video Series - Understanding staff medical benefits at CUHK.

  2. Career Planning and Development Centre (CPDC) of Office of Student Affairs (OSA), The Career Centre of CUHK – CU Careers, through services relating to Recruitment, Career Guidance, Career Counselling, Internship, and Mentorship, etc. is committed to supporting CUHK students' career planning and job hunting.

  3. CUHK - HRO - 中大工作機會. Administrative, Professional, Executive, Clerical, Technical & Research Posts. Search for Founding Dean of the School of Medicine, CUHK (SZ) Academic Leave and Activity System (ACALA) Video Guides. Policy on the Appointment of Programme Directors for Self-financed Taught Postgraduate Programmes.

  4. 2024年3月1日 · Career Planning and Development Centre (CPDC) of Office of Student Affairs (OSA), The Career Centre of CUHK – CU Careers, through services relating to Recruitment, Career Guidance, Career Counselling, Internship, and Mentorship, etc. is committed to supporting CUHK students' career planning and job hunting.

  5. Career Planning and Development Centre (CPDC) of Office of Student Affairs (OSA), The Career Centre of CUHK – CU Careers, through services relating to Recruitment, Career Guidance, Career Counselling, Internship, and Mentorship, etc. is committed to supporting CUHK students' career planning and job hunting.

  6. 香港中文大學醫院學院. 回饋社區. 職位空缺. 認識我們的員工. 在中大醫院,我們的員工來自不同背景,各自擁有不同的專業與專長,我們團結一致並致力為大眾提供以病人為中心、優質、具透明度及可負擔的醫療服務。 一起來看看他們怎樣形容自己於中大醫院的職涯。 戴善婷 婦產科助產士. "每個媽媽的經歷、每個嬰兒的出生,都是獨一無二的,讓我仍然對生命的誕生感到奇妙而感動! 請按 此 閱覽更多。 何偉洪 樓宇管理部高級技術員. "他笑言自己是醫院的「另一種醫生」,「前面(醫生)救人,我們就救機器,確保醫院運作正常。 請按 此 閱覽更多。 請細閱我們員工的分享 (只有中文) 亦立即行動,在中大醫院展開饒富意義的非凡事業旅程! 請按 此. 員工福利. 實踐工作與生活平衡. 員工嘉許與發展.

  7. Search for Founding Dean of the School of Medicine, CUHK(SZ) Vice-Chancellor Early Career Professorship Scheme

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