雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Medal for Bravery (Bronze) (MBB) Hong Kong Police Medal for Meritorious Service (PMSM) Hong Kong Fire Services Medal for Meritorious Service (FSMSM) Hong Kong Immigration Service Medal for Meritorious Service (IMSM) Hong Kong Customs and Excise

  2. The Medal of Honour is the entry level award under the Hong Kong honours system and is awarded for community service in a district or in a particular area for a long period of time. It may also be awarded to civil servants for serving with distinction.

  3. The annual Honours List is normally published in the Government Gazette on the HKSAR Establishment Day (1 July) to announce the names of the honours and awards recipients of the year. Honours Lists of Long Service Medals for the disciplined services and the ICAC are published in the Government Gazette separately.

  4. 2024年3月4日 · Home > Types of Honours and Awards. Grand Bauhinia Medal (GBM) The highest award under the HKSAR Honours and Awards System. To recognise the selected person's life-long and highly significant contribution to the well-being of Hong Kong. Gold Bauhinia Star (GBS)

  5. 注釋. 榮譽勳章 (香港) 关于与「 榮譽勳章 (香港) 」標題相近或相同的条目页,請見「 荣誉勋章 (消歧义) 」。 榮譽勳章 (英語: Medal of Honour ,縮寫MH)是 香港授勳及嘉獎制度 下排名第10的基本勳銜,自1998年起開始頒授。 以表揚在地區或某個範疇長期為社區服務的人士,亦頒授予表現優異的非首長級公務員。 授勳名單[编辑] 1998年[编辑]

  6. 2023年6月30日 · 維基百科,自由的百科全書. 關於與「 榮譽勳章 (香港) 」標題相近或相同的條目頁,請見「 榮譽勳章 (消歧義) 」。 榮譽勳章 (英語: Medal of Honour ,縮寫MH)是 香港授勳及嘉獎制度 下排名第10的基本勳銜,自1998年起開始頒授。 以表揚在地區或某個範疇長期為社區服務的人士,亦頒授予表現優異的非首長級公務員。 授勳名單 [ 編輯] 1998年 [ 編輯] 王國興 先生 , MH. 王德渭 先生 , MH. 甘炳華 先生 , MH. 成元興 先生 , MH. 朱松勝 先生 , MH. 江焯開 先生 , MH. 吳小清 女士 , MH. 李文烈 神父 , MH (Father Peter John NEWBERY, M.H.) 何安妮 女士 , MH , JP.

  7. The Medal of Honour. The Medal of Honour (MH) is the basic award under the honours system and is awarded in recognition of community service in a district or in a particular field over a long period of time. It is also awarded to non-directorate civil servants who have served with distinction.