雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Schroth Therapy Follows a 3-Step Exercise Process: 1. First make the proper pelvis position corrections. 2. Do spinal elongation and then rotational angular breathing (RAB) techniques to move spine and ribs into best possible posture. 3. Tense the trunk muscles isometrically, in order to strengthen weak muscles and preserve the corrected posture.

  2. 2023年9月1日 · 患者需接受約四至五節的 Schroth 療法,每次治療時間約為一小時。 物理治療師會為患者設計針對性的個人化運動,並指導正確的動作,患者日常在家亦需勤加練習,並按專業指示改善姿勢,可有顯著成效。

  3. Schroth exercises, although different from person to person, include three important components: Muscular symmetry. Rotational angular breathing. Awareness of posture. The Schroth method consists of scoliosis-specific sensorimotor, postural and breathing exercises. [8] .

  4. 施羅特療法是脊柱側彎非手術性的治療方法。透過針對性和獨特的運動治療,使彎曲的脊柱恢復到更理想的位置。這套運動的目標是在三維平面上對脊椎進行旋轉,伸長和穩定性的運動治療。 這治療方法由德國的Katharina Schroth開發,已經有過百年的歷史。

  5. 脊柱側彎施羅特運動治療. 脊柱側彎多發於青春期,及早發現及適當的治療,有效減少甚至停止彎度惡化,減少需要做手術的嚴重情況。 甚麼是脊柱側彎? 脊柱側彎是指脊骨向左或向右彎曲至呈現「C」形或「S」形,超過十度或以上。 大部分脊柱側彎的成因不明,而且通常在青春期十至十五歲出現,女性為多,我們稱之為「青少年原發性脊柱側彎」。 脊椎側彎常見的特徵有高、低膊,腰部大細邊,盆骨左右不對稱或長短腳等。 另外亦有成人退化性脊柱側彎。 缺乏治療容易引起痛症. 我們發展脊柱側彎治療源於我們發現有不少長期痛症的病人原來都有脊柱側彎的問題。 以往脊柱側彎的治療常被忽略,患者甚至並不知道,誤以為自己只是姿勢不良。 年青時缺乏治療往往導致彎度隨年紀增加,於中老年出現痛症。

  6. The standard handbook on Schroth Exercises for Scoliosis since 1973. The Schroth Method helps improve posture, eliminate pain and stop curve progression. Over 50,000 patients helped since 1921

  7. What is the Schroth Method? The Schroth Method is a nonsurgical option for scoliosis treatment. It uses exercises customized for each patient to return the curved spine to a more natural position. The goal of Schroth exercises is to de-rotate, elongate and

  8. 什麼是Schroth脊柱側彎治療法? Schroth脊柱側彎治療法由德國Katharina Schroth研發,是專為治療脊柱側彎的保守方案。治療會根據脊柱弧度量身定制。在首次面診時,物理治療師會作詳細的身體檢查。

  9. Schroth Exercises Are Customized for Your Unique Spinal Deformation. The method teaches you how to: Correct spinal rotation and increase lung capacity with a rotational breathing technique. Help restore normal spinal position with pelvic corrections, breathing technique, and stabilizing isometric contractions.

  10. These exercises as shown are for this specific patient. All scoliosis curves are different, so YOUR curve needs to be treated with different corrections. The Schroth Method is designed to...