雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 1 小時前 · 新華社報道,攜帶月球樣本的嫦娥六號上升器自月球背面起飛,隨後成功進入預定環月軌道。 嫦娥六號著陸器和上升器組合體前日成功著陸在月球背面南極-艾特肯盆地預選著陸區,展開持續約2天的月背採樣工作,以及月球背面著陸區的現場調查分析,月壤結構分析等科學探測,深化月球成因和演化 ...

  2. 1 小時前 · Hong Kong artist Kacey Wong is striving to keep alive the memory of China's June 4 crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators from his adopted home of Taiwan, as Chinese authorities again bar all public commemoration or discussion of the killings in 1989. Wong, 54, said June 4 has inspired him ever since he saw television news images of a lone Chinese man in a white shirt stand in front of a ...

  3. 1 小時前 · 日本傳媒引述日本政府消息人士稱,首相岸田文雄將不會在本屆國會會期結束前舉行大選。 日本今屆國會會期將在本月23日結束。 報道稱,岸田文雄原本希望在9月自民黨總裁選舉前提早舉行國會選舉,但自民黨近期受黑金醜聞影響支持率低迷,岸田文雄已基本放棄提早大選的計劃。

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