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  2. To be a world leader in the provision of horse racing, sporting and betting entertainment, and Hong Kong's premier charity and community benefactor.

  3. A new educational board game co-created by a group of youth and game producer was developed, to promote the importance of critical thinking and fact checking among younger generation. It also helps to reveal the harmful impacts of online gaming addiction

  4. Online illegal gambling activities have become increasingly rampant over recent years. Recognize the below misconceptions. Stay alert, and avoid breaching the law. In Hong Kong, betting with gambling websites registered overseas would not breach the law?

  5. In today’s fast-paced and complex world, together with mobile phones and other tech devices within easy reach of children and the youth, they are particularly prone to online and gaming addiction, which can serve as a gateway to the more serious problem of

  6. Stay Away From Illegal Online Gambling Maggie's brother who became addicted to an online gambling game downloaded in Taiwan, where in-game currency purchased with his credit card. He wasn't aware that offshore online gambling is illegal in Hong Kong.

  7. 2022年4月11日 · The Hong Kong Jockey Club strives to promote Responsible Gambling. The website provides one-stop resources, including educational videos, material, responsible gambling help tools, and information on problem gambling prevention and treatment.

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