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  1. 2024年4月20日 · Circumcision is a surgery to remove the skin that covers the tip of the penis, also called the foreskin. The procedure is fairly common for newborn boys in parts of the world, including the United States. Circumcision later in life can be done, but it has more risks and recovery may take longer.

  2. 小兒外科 包皮環切手術. 在醫學上並沒有「包皮過長」而只有包皮太緊太窄,稱之為包莖 (Phimosis)。 包莖引起的常見問題是龜頭炎 (Balanitis) ,如果及早治療,使用溫和的消毒藥水把患處浸泡即可痊愈,不一定需要用抗生素醫治。 康復後,醫生會建議家長每天繼續為孩子,或提醒孩子在洗澡時清潔包皮。 醫生亦可處方類固醇藥膏,塗在包皮最前最窄的地方,以幫助過緊的包皮鬆開。 醫學文獻上有記載,此治療方法十分安全,不會有系統性的副作用,但建議使用療程最長為8星期。

  3. Circumcision is very common which is a great way to protect yourself or your baby son throughout life. Surgical removal of foreskin significantly reduces the risks of developing the following unpleasant illnesses.

  4. 2023年10月11日 · Though it is a routine procedure, a circumcision requires proper care and cleaning to heal properly. When caring for a newly circumcised newborn, clean the area after every diaper change, keep the area dry, wash the wound gently, let it air dry, dress the wound with gauze and vaseline, and do frequent diaper changes.

  5. 2024年1月31日 · Circumcision surgically removes the foreskin from the penis. It’s more common in babies, but older children and adults can get a circumcision. There are many benefits to circumcision, including a lower risk of developing certain conditions. Common risks include pain and bleeding. Recovery may take a week or longer.

  6. 傳統包皮環切手術. Circumcision. 傳統包皮環切手術可以在全身/半身或局部麻醉下進行醫生會把病人多餘的包皮切除待止好血後把傷口縫合手術過程約30分鐘。 詳細資料. 立即查詢. 激光包皮環切手術. Laser Circumcision. 醫生會利用激光刀代替手術刀,替病人切除多餘的包皮。 這種手術的好處是手術切口齊整,手術時近乎没有流血,以及手術後的傷口疼痛及水腫較少,所以病人的康復較快。 詳細資料. 立即查詢. 微創包皮免縫手術 (包皮槍) Stapled Circumcision. 包皮槍是一種一次性的手術儀器,醫生會利用包皮槍切除病人多餘的包皮。 這種手術的好處是手術時間短,而且手術時幾乎有流血。 詳細資料. 立即查詢. 傳統包皮環切手術 Circumcision.

  7. 1. Conventional circumcision. In this procedure, the surgeon carries out the incision using surgical scissors, scalpels and other instruments. Electrocautery is used to control bleeding, and the wounds are closed by absorbable stitches. This method is safe and effective, but the procedure is relatively more painful, and takes longer to recover.