雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. He has once again left us in a cliffhanger situation. She also called the cliffhanger in the episode a complete shock. House demands that she at least must write a new ending for the last book with more resolution than the cliffhanger ending she originally wrote.

  2. a story or a situation that is exciting because its ending or result is uncertain until it happens. 惊险故事;悬念;扣人心弦的局面. Many of Hitchcock's films are real cliffhangers. 希区柯克的很多电影都扣人心弦,充满悬念。. It looks as if the election is going to be a cliffhanger. 这次选举看来胜负难分。.

  3. 《絕嶺雄風》(英語: Cliffhanger ),是一部由雷尼·哈林導演的動作電影,由史泰龍、尊·力高、米高·魯克,以及簡寧·特納領銜主演。 該作品於1993年5月28日公映,全球票房2.55億美元。

  4. CLIFFHANGER的意思解釋及翻譯:1. a story or a situation that is exciting because its ending or result is uncertain until it…。了解更多。

  5. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供cliffhanger的中文意思,cliffhanger用法讲解,cliffhanger的读音,cliffhanger的同义词,cliffhanger的反义词,cliffhanger的例句等英语服务。.

  6. 《巔峰戰士》(英語: Cliffhanger ),是一部由雷尼·哈林導演的動作電影,由席維斯·史特龍、約翰·李斯高、麥可·魯克,以及簡寧·特納領銜主演。 該作品於1993年5月28日公映,全球票房2.55億美元。

  7. A cliffhanger is a situation or part of a play or film that is very exciting or frightening because you are left for a long time not knowing what will happen next. The election is likely to be a cliff-hanger. 選舉結果撲朔迷離。...cliffhanger endings to keep you in 充滿懸念

  8. 1993年5月20日 · 加贝(西尔维斯特·史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)是一名高山抢险队队员,对于他来说,不断的征服一座又一座看似高不可攀的山巅就是人生的全部意义所在。. 然而,在一次行动中,由于加贝的疏忽导致了朋友意外坠山而亡,心中充满了愧疚与悔恨的他 ...

  9. 英汉-汉英词典. v. 弦,悬疑. 英语例句库. 1. the match was a cliffhanger right up to the final whistle. 比赛的悬念一直持续到裁判终场鸣哨。. 2. he emerged miraculously intact at the end of each cliffhanging episode. 每集惊险剧集的最后他总奇迹般毫发未 地出现。. 声明:以上例句、词性分类 ...

  10. cliffhanger \cliffhanger\ n. a contest whose outcome is uncertain up to the very end. [WordNet 1.5] 2. an episode of a drama that ends in suspense. [WordNet 1.5] 來源(4): WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn] cliffhanger

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