雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Stamford American School Hong Kong offers an inspiring world of international education for students aged 5 to 18 using an inquiry-based learning approach combined with rigorous American academic standards. Graduates receive an American diploma and the

  2. 香港斯坦福美國學校 Stamford American School Hong Kong 英資辦學團體 Cognita全球七國有 60 所屬校在港首分校 Stamford American School Hong Kong選址於何文田前新法書院校舍。學校會為 5-18 歲學童提供 K2 至 Grade 12 課程,計畫招收

  3. Stamford American School Hong Kong提供小学学前班Pre-primary至Grade 12 具启发性的K-12国际教育,课程适合5至18岁学生修读。 学校采以美国标准课程(AERO),配合探究为本的学习模式,在严谨的课程框架下助学生建立隐固的学术基础;学校鼓励同学自主学习,通过多元化的科目及课外体验活动培养学习兴趣,增强求知欲,令学生在学习过程中建立自信并培养国际视野。 学校同时开办美国高中毕业文凭课程和 国际文凭大学预科课程(IBDP) ,拓展海外升学途径,提高学生升读世界顶尖学府的机会。 Stamford致力培养孩子丰富的学习及生活技能,使他们在成长路上可轻松应对未来。

  4. Stamford American School Hong Kong offers an inspiring world of education for students aged 5 to 18 using an inquiry-based learning approach combined with rigorous American academic standards. Graduates receive an American diploma and the option of the IB Diploma, both offering access to top universities worldwide.

  5. Stamford American School Hong Kong is a private school in Hong Kong that offers K-12 international educational program with American standards-based curriculum for over 700 students from more than 30 nationalities in Ho Man Tin, Kowloon.

  6. Stamford American School - Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 7.5K likes · 747 were here. Stamford offers an international standards-based curriculum for students aged 5 to 18.

  7. Stamford American School Hong Kong offers an inspiring world of international education for students aged 5 to 18 using an inquiry-based learning approach combined with rigorous...

  8. 斯坦福美國國際學校 ( 英語: Stamford American International School(SAIS))位於新加坡實龍崗(Serangoon),是新加坡第一所,也是唯一一所同時開辦美國教育課程 (AP) 與國際文憑課程(IBDP)的國際學校,並為2個月-18歲的學生提供教育課程。

  9. Stamford American School Hong Kong is a private school that offers a world-class international education with a rigorous standards-based curriculum for children aged 5 to 18.

  10. 香港史丹福美国学校是一所 K-12 IB 世界学校,致力于为 5 至 18 岁的学生创造一个鼓舞人心的教育世界,帮助他们建立自信并赋予个人成功的能力。 将引人入胜的探究式学习方法与严格的美国学术标准相结合,确保每个学生在享受学习的同时实现成长。 所有毕业生都会获得国际学校理事会 (CIS) 认可的斯坦福美国高中文凭,为您的孩子提供进入全球大学的通行证。 孩子们可以攻读国际文凭课程 (IBDP) 或选择精选的 I 课程。 从 5 岁开始,我们开创性... 显示更多. 学校的类型. 日间学校. 年龄范围. 从5岁到. 18岁. 性别. 共同教育. 国籍. 31个不同国籍的人. 年费. 从188600. 到227600. HKD. 学生人数. 740名学生. 基金会. 成立于2017年. 资格认证

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