雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年11月12日 · 睽違9年的經典動畫回歸啦! By Allie Hsieh and Eileen Yu Published: 2023/11/12. Watch on. 皮克斯最受歡迎的作品《腦筋急轉彎》出續集啦,《腦筋急轉彎2》將在明年夏天重返大銀幕! 精采預告與海報大公開,更是增加了全新情緒角色「焦焦」,大腦總部的控制台也被改裝成了橘色!...

  2. 2024年2月9日 · 由李棟旭、金慧峻主演的懸疑韓劇《殺人者的購物中心》短短8集,最近終於迎來大家最期待的大結局囉! 而讓人驚掉下巴的是,叔叔鄭進灣竟然沒有死,甚至在最後一幕滿血復活。 究竟這段時間他去了哪裡? 他的假死背後,是不是有更大的計畫正在進行? 現在就跟著COSMO一起看下去!

    • Who Is Maxine Carr?
    • What Happened in The Soham Murders Case?
    • What Led to Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr's Arrest?
    • What Was Maxine Carr’s Involvement in The Soham Case?
    • Did Maxine Carr Go to Prison?
    • Where Is Maxine Carr Now?

    Maxine Carr was born 'Maxine Ann Capp' on 16 February 1977 in Grimsby, Lincolnshire – she later changed her surname to Carr in an attempt distance herself from her absent father. Growing up, it's reported that Carr struggled with food and her weight, and suffered from disordered eating, as well as low confidence and shyness. She received poor grade...

    On 4 August 2002, Wells and Chapman decided to go for a wander after having a barbecue at Wells' house. The 10-year-old best friends hadn't told anyone where they were going, but Wells' mum grew concerned when she realised they had left and not returned. On their walk, the pair came into contact with Huntley who lured them into his cottage, later g...

    During the search for Wells and Chapman, Huntley alleged that he had encountered the girls on their walk, claiming that the pair had stopped on his doorstep to ask questions about Carr's recent application for a full-time position at their school. As one of the last people to see the girls alive, Huntley gave numerous interviews to the press – but ...

    When Wells and Chapman disappeared, Carr lied during the investigation by telling police that she was at home with Huntley at the time the girls vanished – although she later admitted during a police interview that she said this to fake an alibi for her boyfriend. Cracks began to appear in her cover story when she gave a TV interview in which she s...

    On 20 August 2002, Huntley was charged with two counts of murder and later, after a two month stint in a psychiatric unit and time in high security prisons, his high-profile trial commenced at the Old Bailey on 5 November 2003. Over a month later, on 17 December 2003, Huntley was found guilty by the jury and sentenced to two life terms imprisonment...

    After her release from prison, Carr moved into a safe house and was granted lifelong anonymity as well as being given a new identity. At court, her defence had argued that there was an "overwhelming case" for this move, and she is one of only four former prisoners in the UK to be protected by lifelong anonymity. The other three are Mary Bell, Rober...

  3. 2019年11月8日 · 影史最殺動作科幻經典《魔鬼終結者:黑暗宿命》終於上映了! 這部號稱是最正宗的「魔鬼終結者」續集不但請回「元老級金三角」 -阿諾史瓦辛格、「莎拉康納」 琳達漢彌頓以及最重要的靈魂人物詹姆斯卡麥隆睽違 28 年再度攜手合作,更有《惡棍英雄:死侍》鬼才導演提姆米勒執導,讓全球影迷引頸期盼!

  4. 2022年1月10日 · 電影戲劇. 《單身即地獄》成員交往後續大公開! 智雅賢中IG現況霧裡看花,「這對」被搜出戀愛鐵證,芝燕世勳機會渺茫? 你們覺得都是劇本,還是有真心呢? By Lily Chang and Janice Tseng Published: 2022/01/10. dear.zia、__1126.1、kangsoyeon__、timelessbruno....

  5. 2019年8月5日 · School caretaker Ian Huntley is currently serving a prison sentence for the young girls' murder. By Catriona Harvey-Jenner Updated: 05 August 2019. On 4th August 2002, 10-year-old school friends...

  6. 2023年8月18日 · 《金手指》的故事靈感,來自上個世紀80年代香港的「佳寧集團案」,是一個典型的空手套白狼的貪腐詐騙案,也是「香港十大奇案」之一。 該案被告早年在新加坡經營生意失利破產,1972年轉到香港發展,通過買賣物業及收購公司,短短數年間便建立了70億港元(約286億台幣)的佳寧集團,聘用員工近3萬人,業務範圍廣泛,包括餐館、旅行社及計程車公司等。 Instagram....