雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年4月8日 · Top 5 Kamakura Sights. With so many spots that are steeped in history and culture (not to mention the gorgeous natural sights throughout the area), narrowing it down to just five is no easy task. Fortunately, many of them are quite close to each other, so exploring Kamakura even further is a breeze! 5. Hokoku-ji. https://pixta.jp.

  2. 2017年11月1日 · Natural. A Basic Guide to Kenrokuen Garden. Masayoshi Sakamoto (坂本正敬) Updated November 1, 2017. Gardens Shoryudo Kanazawa Ishikawa Hokuriku. Kenrokuen is one of the absolute must-see spots in Kanazawa. It's received three stars in the Michelin Green Guide and drew as many as 3 million visitors as of 2015.

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  4. 2020年5月22日 · 据说,贵船神社的历史远比京都还要古老,虽然建造之时不详,但从历史记载上却仍能找到端倪。在天武天皇白凤6年便有记载贵船曾有翻修神殿,有此可见贵船神社的存在时间至少超过1300年的历史;同时也有另一个传说指贵船神社在1600年前修建而成,当时的天皇为求风调雨顺、国泰民安而在贵船川 ...

  5. 2018年3月18日 · Super Cheap Japan Updated March 18, 2018. Trains Cheap Tours Day Trips Kamakura. If you're visiting Kamakura on a day trip from Tokyo, this pass is essential—it'll save you a lot of money and hassle. Although, keep in mind the stations get very busy on weekends, so try to go on weekdays.

  6. Menu裡除了有很多加了牡蠣與紫蘇葉等等特別的廣島燒,最有名最有人氣的當然還是與店名相同的「電光石火」。. 因為是用蛋作的,整個廣島燒的形狀也是高高圓圓的,這麼高的廣島燒日本的其他地方可能也吃不到吧。. 放進嘴裡,被蛋的熱氣蒸過的高麗菜的 ...

  7. 2019年6月30日 · Located about 40 kilometers (25 miles) to the west of Okinawa Island, these islands are a wonderful collection of white sand beaches and crystal clear waters, providing the best spots for those who plan to go diving, snorkeling, swimming and sunbathing. 10. Soak in the Views at North-Side Observatories. View this post on Instagram.

  8. 2016年3月31日 · 让人难以抗拒的樱花马卡龙. 日本的春天可能仅仅意味着一件事——樱花SAKURA。. 这也是为何巧克力品牌Lindt宣布推出了两款樱花主题的产品,仅在日本当地门店有售。. 正如你所期待的,这两款粉色甜品非常棒。. Lindt日本在今年春天即将推出的第一款特别产品是 ...