雅虎香港 搜尋


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  2. 2021年9月14日 · 理大生物醫學工程學系楊莫教授 (左二)及溫春毅博士 (右二)率領團隊研發高效骨關節炎標靶鎮痛診療納米技術。. 香港理工大學(理大)研究人員開創先河,將標靶治療癌症的概念引入治療骨關節炎疼痛,透過納米粒子光聲成像引導技術,鎖定引發痛楚的蛋白質 ...

  3. 1. 超精密加工技術是一個多學科跨領域的系統工程。. 它是當今創新科技的重要支撐技術,在光電子學和機電一體化、光學、通訊、生物醫學工程等都有廣泛應用。. 香港理工大學超精密加工技術國家重點實驗室主任. 工業及系統工程學系超精密加工與計量學講座 ...

  4. Aims and Characteristics The biopharmaceutical industry is at the forefront of medical innovation, offering transformative therapies that address unmet medical needs. As this sector continues its rapid evolution, there's a pressing demand for professionals adept in ...

  5. Professor Arthur Fuk-tat MAK. Chair Professor of Rehabilitation Engineering (BME) M1402h. +852 3400 3812. arthur.mak@polyu.edu.hk. Ir Professor Yongping ZHENG. Henry G. Leong Professor in Biomedical Engineering, Chair Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Director of Research Institute for Smart Ageing and Director of Jockey Club Smart Ageing ...

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  6. 理大研究團隊領先全球,成功開發出首架由氨(即阿摩尼亞)推動的燃料電池電動車。這架電動車不但可至「零碳排放」,也比一般電動車更具效益,其儲能方式亦更加安全。團隊計劃在2022年將有關技術應用到公共小巴。 電動車趨勢席捲全球,助全球多國應對氣候變化,並提升空...

  7. The Master of Science in Smart Manufacturing programme is with aims as follows: To equip students with an in-depth knowledge of smart manufacturing technologies and developments; To prepare students with the capabilities of developing, selecting, deploying and managing smart manufacturing solutions by assessing industrial needs for real-life ...

  8. Aims and Characteristics Knowledge and Technology Management is vital to various aspects of business– from financing, development of products and services, and manufacturing to licensing and commercialization of technology so as to maximize companies

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