雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 得分
    4月 17日@帝王
    94 - 118
  2. 香港的工業、物流性能優於其他類別 2019年第一季度,亞太地區商業地產投資增長14%,創下450億美元銷售額的新紀錄。 值得注意的是,香港在世界上流動性最強的投資市場中,從去年的第四下滑到第六,在世界上最大的跨境投資接受者中,從去年的第四位上升到第五位。鑑於美聯儲(FederalReserve ...

  3. 是中華人民共和國的一個特別行政區。但香港本身也在向自己的鼓手邁進,尤其是在房地產價格高昂的世界。今天,銅鑼灣地區被認為是世界上最昂貴的零售街 這一地區也剛剛在11年來首次擊敗紐約市第五大道。 這是總部位於紐約的庫什曼和韋克菲爾德在完成2012年高端零售市場調查後得出的結論 ...

  4. Under the circumstance of the amendments, the British capital Taikoo (019) is not immune to the impact of the business and the profit warning It is also the fourth consecutive year that the Pacific has issued a profit warning after 2016, 2017 and 2018. The basic profit recorded a setback, mainly du

  5. The Kangzhen MARINI system accounted for 56% of the 178 people in a single day The new battle was unveiled on September 5th, and the GRAND MARINI, Tseung Kwan O, Tseung Kwan O, under the prelude of Wheelock Real Estate, was subject to a number of unfavorable factors such as interest rate hikes and e

  6. The State Council Tariff Commission announced that in the face of the sudden 10% tariff on 300 billion commodities, "have to" take countermeasures Fortunately, no real action was taken. The market concerned that Trump said that he would soon talk to President Xi. Moody's refers to the increase in th

  7. 1999 was an unforgettable year for He Chaoqiong This year, she started as Managing Director of Shun Tak Group. This year, she also experienced the historical moment of Macao's return to the motherland. Looking back over the past 20 years, He Chaoqiong said that the day of the opening ceremony of MGM

  8. 新房價格差距縮小21個百分點至14% 新房價格差距縮小21個百分點至14% 在過去的五年裡,由752平方英尺和香港島對新界的新的大眾住宅單位所支配的價格溢價從90%下降到79 ...

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