雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2013年2月8日 · 專輯介紹:. 2013橫掃奧斯卡獎8項提名 榮獲金球獎3項大獎. 榮登全美告示牌專輯榜冠軍大碟. 精彩收錄安海瑟威動人金曲'I Dreamed A Dream',休傑克曼最佳電影原創歌曲'Suddenly'. 【電影入座】. 改編自法國文豪雨果名著的音樂劇【悲慘世界】自1985年在全球巡迴 ...

  2. 許冠傑 ( Samuel Hui ) 共收藏 41張專輯 676首歌詞 ※ Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網. 許冠傑 ( Samuel Hui )【 共收藏 41 張專輯, 676 首歌 】 許冠傑(英文:Samuel Hui,1948年9月6日-),暱稱「阿Sam」,生於廣東廣州,籍貫廣東番禺(今廣州市),自70年代起以通俗廣東歌詞譜下多首樂章,開創香港粵語流行曲的潮流,在香港樂壇被稱為「歌神」、「香港樂壇祖師」和「廣東歌鼻祖」。 許冠傑的父親許世昌是業餘中樂家﹐母親李倩雲曾在廣州唱粵曲。 許冠傑兩歲的時候,跟父親同家人從大陸移民到香港,定居在鑽石山,後搬到蘇屋村,許冠傑亦進入中學(聖芳濟書院(初高中))。 1964年他和朋友組成「harmonicks樂隊」,彈低音結他與當主音歌手。

  3. Suddenly (一瞬之間) Suddenly you're here. Suddenly it starts. Can two anxious hearts beat as one? Yesterday I was alone. Today you walk beside me. Something still unclear. Something not yet here has begun. Suddenly the world.

  4. Heaven blessed. Bring him home. If God had granted me a son. And will be gone. 「 暫無網友發表評論。. ( 禁止謾罵攻擊!. Bring Him Home (帶他回家) God on high Hear my prayer In my need You have always been there He is young He's afraid Let him rest Heaven blessed. Bring him home Brin.

  5. 歌詞. 專輯列表. Les Miserables OST (悲慘世界電影原聲帶) Look Down (天可憐見) Look down, look down. Don't look 'em in the eye. Look down, look down, You're here until you die. Now bring me prisoner 24601. Your time is up. And your parole's begun. You know what that means. Yes, it means I'm free. No! Follow to the letter your itinerary.

  6. 專輯介紹. 歌詞. 專輯列表. Les Miserables OST (悲慘世界電影原聲帶) Master Of The House (酒店主人) My band of soaks, my den of dissolute's. My dirty jokes, my always pissed as newts. My sons of whores spend there lives in my inn, Homing pigeons homing in. They fly through my doors, And they crawl out on all fours. Welcome, Monsieur, sit yourself down.

  7. 專輯介紹. 歌詞. 專輯列表. Les Miserables OST (悲慘世界電影原聲帶) I Dreamed A Dream (我曾有夢) There was a time when men were kind. When their voices were soft. And their words inviting. There was a time when love was blind. And the world was a song. And the song was exciting. There was a time. Then it all went wrong. I dreamed a dream in time gone by. When hope was high