雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 主頁 > 信用卡 > 推廣優惠 > 「特選客戶外幣簽賬推廣」專享8%現金回贈. 註:. 1. 中銀信用卡「特選客戶外幣簽賬推廣」 (下稱「本推廣」)只適用於收到此推廣電郵及/或短訊之特選客戶(下稱「客戶」);並只適用於由香港發行並印有中銀標誌中銀信用卡、中銀 ...

  2. Program Overview. During the 8-week internship, BOCHK will provide interns with a diverse and comprehensive training program. We will organize specialized training sessions about the latest trends and practical case studies in the application of ESG concepts of the banking industry.

  3. 以「繼往開來 成就卓越」為主題中銀香港(控股) 2014年年報,獲得享有年報「奧斯卡」美譽International ARC Awards頒發金、銀、銅及兩個優異獎,分別為「主席信:銀行及金融服務:香港/中國內地」金獎、「財務資料:銀行及金融服務:香港/中國

  4. 產品專享優惠. 憑卡於指定GOOD DAY優惠日消費滿指定金額,可享獨家優惠: 迎新優惠. 銀聯雙幣白金卡優惠. 其他優惠. 查詢詳情,歡迎致電24小時推廣熱線:2108 3288。 上述各項優惠及服務須受相關條款及細則約束,如有修改,恕不另行通知。 提示︰借定唔借 ? 還得到先好借 !

  5. Exhibition of Bank of China’s Centuryof Services in Hong Kong. Remove All Items. Property. Valuation. T/T. Exchange. Rates. Metal Trading. Prices.

  6. 主頁 > 信用卡 > 推廣優惠 > 最新優惠 > 10X狂賞派!賺高達10X積分!

  7. OVERVIEW. The "BOCHK Challenge" has been held for 8 consecutive years. It continuously provides a platform for students from higher education institutions and startups to showcase their talents on technology and ignite innovative ideas. Our goal is to sow the seeds of hope for technological innovation ventures.