雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年5月20日 · Have you ever wondered why geisha paint their face white, or who dresses a geisha? Well, be prepared to drop some knowledge on your friends about the whimsical world of geisha.

  2. 2017年5月19日 · Inside, some of the unusual 3-D yatsuhashi sweets on display include the easy-to-recognize shapes of a chidori or plover, the symbol of Kyoto’s Pontocho district, and a doll dressed in a twelve-layered ceremonial kimono. When SoraNews24's Japanese-language reporter visited the store, there were two special sweet sets on offer: the Kamogawa ...

  3. 2016年4月22日 · Abura-tori-gami (literally, "oil-removing paper") is traditional Japanese blotting paper made of abacá leaf. It dates back to around the year 800, and has been a hit among Japan's kabuki actors (who wear piles of makeup) and geisha since the Edo Period (1603-1868). Gold leaf craftspeople used pieces of abacá paper to protect the gold they ...

  4. 2019年1月23日 · In the lilting tones of the Kyoto dialect, Tomitsuyu explains why she chose to return to Japan and become a geiko after experiencing the world outside Japan. “There were many international students from various countries at the school I attended, including Germany, Brazil and China,” she recalls. “They all knew about their own countries ...

  5. 2018年6月22日 · 10. Geisha are Trained to Entertain. A maiko is a geisha -in-training, and is first expected to be an "entertainment master."There are many forms of entertainment a maiko has to learn during her apprenticeship before she can become a full-fledged geisha. This shouldn't be surprising; after all gei (芸) means "art" or "performance," and being a ...

  6. 日本居家中必備的調味品有哪些? 每走進日本超市,總會被琳琅滿目的調味料搞得暈頭轉向,究竟哪個必須? 哪個又不見得要買? 在日本節目中, 經常可見評選十大必備調味料,其中幾乎年年入選的就是醬油、味醂、燒肉醬(焼肉のタレ)、日式高湯(白だし)以及鰹魚露(つゆ),的確有了這些基本調味料,幾乎可以變化出超多日本餐桌佳餚。 馬鈴薯燉肉、薑汁燒肉、親子丼、章魚燒等料理,雖說是經典的日式菜色,但對台灣人來說也都已經是稀鬆平常的桌上佳餚。 想要做出經典日式口味,當然得需要像是味醂、料理酒、鰹魚露等調味料來幫忙,只要加入一點日式調味料,不管像不像都有八分樣。 但是,少了這一味但又很想吃時,怎麼辦? 沒問題,就用家裡現有醬料變化出能帶出相同風味的料理吧! 照燒料理不可或缺的功臣「味醂」

  7. 6款超人氣日本護手霜推薦 | All About Japan. 在地故事. 美容 & 時尚. 購物 美麗 便宜 日本藥妝 伴手禮. 冬季讓很多美眉最頭疼的,莫過於皮膚乾燥粗糙了吧! 大多數美眉會把護膚精力集中在臉部護理上,卻往往忽略對手部的護理。 手不僅是女人的第二張臉,更能反映出你的生活細節。 因此對於各位女性來說,比起花錢做美甲等表面上的功夫,手部皮膚的保養或許更為重要。 下面就要為大家推薦幾款在日本的藥妝店,一年四季都熱賣的超人氣日本護手霜,CP值更是高到不傷荷包,卻依舊能完美護手,安然過冬呢! 花王atrix 植物性物膠原蛋白高浸透護手霜 (無香味) http://www.kao.co.jp/atrix/lineup/beautycharge/

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