雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. time series data for past 30 days | Central Weather Bureau - 中央氣象局全球資訊網 ... Marine

  2. Issued Time Temperature Apparent Temperature Relative Humidity Rain of Hour Sunrise Sunset

  3. 臺灣歷史上最嚴重的颱風暴潮事件是發生於1845年,清道光25年農曆六月初七的雲林口湖颱風暴潮事件。口湖颱風暴潮事件是颱風登陸的前1天(初六)就大雨通霄,而初七狂風大作加上驚人的雨勢,使得北港溪與牛挑灣溪溪水暴漲,又因為颱風暴潮導致海水上漲,不僅造成海水倒灌,溪水亦受阻於外傘頂 ...

  4. As of today, the Southern Fukienese for typhoon is still pronounced like "phoon-ty" (wind sieve), which further solidifies Professor Lin's argument. Aside from the digression of being either "windy" or "wind sieving", typhoon is a violent tropical cyclone over the tropical Western North Pacific.

  5. XX Trends of 48-Hour Observation | Central Weather Bureau - 中央氣象局全球資訊網 ... Marine