雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 免費年度醫療服務. 您可隨時在網上提出索償,或致電或親臨滙豐分行辦理索償手續。 索償. 承保範圍: 計劃選擇. 您可以視乎預算和醫療需要,選擇計劃A或計劃B。 兩項計劃均為受保人提供專科醫生診症服務及不限次數的網絡普通科醫生診症服務 2 。 同時,計劃B的網絡範圍擴及澳門和中國大陸,每名受保人每年亦可享有十次中醫門診服務、X 光診斷、化驗及免費年度醫療服務。 專科治療. 保單涵蓋物理治療師、婦科醫生和兒科醫生門診,亦提供 X 光及化驗服務。 免索償手續. 就診時只需向網絡醫生出示門診醫療卡,我們便會為您結算。 每次求診時,只需自付小額的費用。 免費年度醫療服務(僅限計劃B) 您可於每年選擇以下其中一項服務: 基本身體檢驗,包括血壓、血糖及膽固醇測試. 驗眼. 流感疫苗注射.

  2. Medical & Critical Illness Insurance. Outpatient Care Medical Insurance. Take care of your family’s wellbeing without having to worry about high medical costs. With Outpatient Care, you can receive treatment from general practitioners within our network based in Hong Kong, as well as in Macau and China if a higher level of coverage is selected.

  3. HSBC Life's Care+ Medical Network Doctor and Network Endoscopy Centre List - HSBC Voluntary Health Insurance Flexi Plan 滙豐保險全方位醫療網絡醫生及網絡內窺鏡中心名單 - 滙豐自願醫保靈活計劃 Important Information 重要資訊 only and is not for public

  4. 一份提供中港澳三地醫療網絡的門診醫療計劃. 「意外萬全保」 一份為您提供一筆過現金賠償,亦可為您支付意外相關的醫療費用的意外保險計劃. 推薦文章. 您需要醫療保障﹝自願醫保﹞,還是危疾保障? 應否二選一? 「最重要識保」醫保、危疾保障全攻略,兩星期內助您更清晰了解兩類型保險計劃,如何保障您和家人的需要。 聯絡我們.

  5. Terms and conditions apply. Simply book an appointment through our Medical Concierge Hotline at (852) 3128 0130 or show your Premier Elite status via HSBC HK Mobile Banking App [@premier-elite-how-to-show-pe-status] to the hospital staff to enjoy the offers. For more offer details, please refer to the e-leaflets/websites of the private hospitals.

  6. Assess your general health in just 30 seconds. Measure your heart rate, breathing, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, stress level and more through the video camera on your smart device. Get your health results with an explanation and a range of personalised health and lifestyle tips [@insurance-personalisedhealthtips].

  7. HSBC HK. Global Private Banking status. Medical Concierge Service. Health set, wealth set. With our round-the-clock medical hotline, a registered nurse or doctor is just a call away. You can also enjoy video consultations and a wide range of wellness offers through HSBC Life Benefits+ app. Terms and conditions apply.