雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Jackson’s Tapestry is an intricate Chinese silk artwork that was presented by local merchants to HSBC’s chief manager, Sir Thomas Jackson, upon his retirement in 1902. A well-respected figure locally, Sir Thomas earned the nickname ‘Lucky’ Jackson for twice pulling the Bank back from the brink of financial disaster.

  2. 豐盛的編織》的創作靈感來自滙豐總司理湯馬士‧昃臣爵士於1902年榮休時香港華商贈送的精製絲織掛毯。 掛毯上的各種動物花卉俱寓意吉祥,是華商精心挑選,用以讚美昃臣的高尚品格,並祝願他生活美滿。

  3. 丰盛的编织》的创作灵感来自汇丰总司理汤马士‧昃臣爵士于1902年荣休时香港华商赠送的精制丝织挂毯。 挂毯上的各种动物花卉寓意吉祥,是华商精心挑选,用以赞美昃臣的高尚品格及祝愿他生活美满。 我们特意为各财富管理中心配以不同吉祥动物,以科技活化,借此代表我们助客户实现人生目标的祝愿。 此挂毯目前在香港滙丰历史档案馆展出。 K11 ATELIER 丹顶鹤在中国文化中地位崇高,象征品德高洁、尊贵、忠诚之士。 Hysan Place 艳丽的孔雀翎羽自古以来是社会地位的象征,寓意着美丽、尊贵和财富。 关于《昃臣挂毯》— 繁荣的故事. 中国丝织艺术品《昃臣挂毯》是汇丰总司理汤马士‧昃臣爵士在1902年荣休时,由香港华商所送赠。

  4. Wealth management. Business insight. April 2023. 3 min. Should a family legacy be made up of wealth alone? What are the advantages of managing a business with one’s siblings? The heirs to a well-known family brand in Hong Kong talk to us about the importance of preserving a heritage not just of wealth but values from generation to generation.

  5. HSBC Insurance is expanding the beneficiary definitions of its life insurance policies to reflect a broader range of committed and familial relationships as the society is evolving. This is part of HSBC Insurance’s customer-centric initiative to enhance overall customer experience and accessibility to life insurance products.

  6. 2023年4月. 3 分鐘. 家族傳承,財富是否唯一重點? 兄弟姊妹共同管理,有何優勢? 擁有香港知名商標的家族後裔,與您分享傳承之道,延續前人珍貴價值。 限時優惠. 投保翡翠萬用壽險計劃,可享首年保費低至78.5折。 預約會面. 優惠期至2024年6月30日。 受條款及細則約束 。 家族傳承,財富是否唯一重點? 兄弟姊妹共同管理,有何優勢? 擁有香港知名商標的家族後裔,與您分享傳承之道,延續前人珍貴價值。

  7. 3 min. Should a family legacy be made up of wealth alone? What are the advantages of managing a business with one’s siblings? The heirs to a well-known family brand in Hong Kong talk to us about the importance of preserving a heritage not just of wealth but values from generation to generation.