雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Please note that some airline names and destinations may be displayed in the letter codes defined by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Thank you for your understanding. This page provides arrival information at Narita Airport. You can search for your flight by place of departure, flight number, or departure time.

  2. 寶可夢透過遊戲、動畫等方式描繪了出外冒險的樂趣,而我們也相信寶可夢能讓世界各地粉絲的心連在一起,並創造出更多歡樂的回憶。 我們希望當各地開放自由往來時,寶可夢能將各位的旅程點綴得更繽紛,並帶來更多歡樂雀躍的時光;同時,我們希望能為大受打擊的航空業與觀光業盡一份心力。 這樣的想法催生了飛翔皮卡丘計畫。 飛翔皮卡丘計畫官網. ©Pokémon. ©Nintendo/Creatures Inc. /GAME FREAK inc. 寶可夢・Pokémon是任天堂·Creatures·GAME FREAK 的註冊商標。

  3. 成田國際機場內最大的名牌時裝店CHANEL裡成衣等最新時裝豐富齊全。歡迎您在寬敞奢華的店裡享受登機前的購物時光。 提供成田國際機場內的CHANEL相關資訊。 營業時間:08:00-20:00,地點:T2 主樓 / 3F / 安檢後(國際航班)

  4. Information you should know before you travel by air is provided in articles covering the procedures and instructions on security screening. Check this before undergoing security screening, then you can complete the screening procedures smoothly and enjoy safe travel.

  5. 免稅店位於第3衛星樓35號登機口邊上。經營一些在成田機場只有在本店才能買到的品牌。歡迎在登機前盡享免稅購物時光

  6. Service and Facility Details Baggage Delivery. Please contact your delivery company if you wish to retrieve your baggage between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. to take an early morning international departure flight.

  7. We will answer your questions about lost property, airport facilities, flight information, airport access or other problems. * It may take a few days for us to answer. This page provides frequently asked questions (FAQs) on Narita Airport in the category of Lost & Found