雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 四國儘管是日本四大島中最小的島,但卻有滿滿的大自然與文化之美。. 在波光蕩漾的瀨戶內海,有風景美不勝收的海岸線、歷史傳承悠久的烏冬、吉卜力電影取材的溫泉、 四國八十八遍路 的第一步,以及日本夏季舞蹈的舞台。. 此地也是日本文學巨人夏目漱石 ...

    • Ginzan Onsen, Yamagata Prefecture
    • Risshakuji Temple (Yamadera), Yamagata Prefecture
    • Tokyo Tower
    • Mt. Fuji and Areas
    • Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, Kyoto
    • Meoto Iwa, Mie Prefecture
    • ‘Floating’ Torii Gates
    • Okinawa

    Get Spirited Away in the northern Ginzan Onsen, the perfect choice for a romantic getaway for all hot springs and Studio Ghibli fans! Don a Japanese summer kimono called yukata and stroll along the Ginzan River running through the onsen’s historical centre. The buildings evoke images of 1920s Japan and transport you to the past. This onsen looks es...

    Shared experiences make the heart grow fonder and what could work better than a 1,000 step ascent to the mountainous Yamadera Temple? Connect with the spiritual world on the hike up leading you through an ancient cedar forest lined with stone lanters peeking from under lush green moss. Once you have reached the top, views from the observation deck ...

    If you’re looking for romantic spots in the capital, Tokyo Toweris the perfect place! It has become a symbol of the city over the years and carries an air of romance like the Eiffel Tower in Paris. With a height of 333 metres, it offers beautiful views of the dazzling city lights and the night sky. It also tends to be less crowded than another one ...

    We all know Mt. Fuji as the symbol of Japan but it actually offers some of the most romantic spots in the country! Watching the sunrise at the top of Mt. Fuji is an unforgettable you can share with your loved one and remember it for years. You can only hike Mt. Fuji in July and August, and it does require some stamina so if you're not ready for a 5...

    Walk hand in hand through a sacred tunnel of 10,000 vibrant torii gates at the Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrinein Kyoto to be awarded with great views of the city. The hike to the summit and back takes two to three hours and you will be following a path filled to the brims with torii gates. Our advice for a romantic moment alone is to follow the trail u...

    Known as the ‘Wedded Rocks’, Meoto Iwa are two rocks officially married by the sacred Shinto Shimenawa rope and representing the union of two main Shinto deities - Izanami and Izanagi. The sacred rope is replaced three times a year in a special Shinto ceremony and it weighs over a ton! We recommend visiting them at dawn in the summer to see the sun...

    When thinking about Japan, the floating torii gate by Miyajima is one of the first images that springs to mind. This iconic spot is the epitome of romance and you can stay overnight in one of the Island’s traditional ryokan inns for the full experience. However, it is currently under renovation and the end date has not been revealed but fear not, t...

    Japan’s tropical islands with their sandy beaches, clear blue waters, coral reefs, and a rich local culture are another place we just had to mention! Okinawais a chain of islands perfect for romantic beach holidays with a taste of adventure. Kayak through a mangrove jungle on a remote island, get a taste of karate at its birthplace, and immerse you...

  2. 池袋趣味橫生,為你帶來標新立異的流行文化驚喜和無可比擬的花園. 池袋及其周圍區域是東京最繁華的地區之一,提供無數新舊娛樂。. 十八世紀式花園漫步、偌大的 陽光城 、空中 水族館 、動漫、電玩遊戲主題商店和咖啡廳,為池袋營造別具一格的氛圍。.

  3. 關東地區以世界最大都會區的東京為中心,同時擁有樸素的山野度假勝地和風光秀麗的亞熱帶島嶼。 東京這座巨大的都市融合現代都會的繁華與傳統的寧靜,徹底滿足各種感官享受。在飛奔前往京都或更偏遠的地區之前,不妨先探索一下關東地區的溫泉度假村、那些未被破壞的山林峽谷、樸實原始 ...

  4. 瀨戶內旅遊景點及體驗推介。在廣島、岡山、香川等地享受立式划槳SUP和獨木舟等水上活動,或是騎單車欣賞沿海各地美景。瀨戶內海沿海有700多個島嶼,有很多充滿現代藝術氣息的小島,或享有豐富自然風光的小島,旅客可乘觀光船遊覽,感受小島四季風情。新日本 心體驗-日本觀光及旅遊資訊

  5. 四國. 文學經典、狂熱舞蹈、自然奇景和古代朝聖之旅的起點. 儘管是日本四大島中最小的島,四國卻有滿滿的大自然與文化之美。 在波光蕩漾的瀨戶內海,有風景美不勝收的海岸線、歷史傳承悠久的烏龍麵、吉卜力電影取材的溫泉、 四國八十八箇所 的起點,以及日本夏季舞蹈的舞台。 別錯過. 跟著德島市阿波舞祭一起舞動. 淺嘗香川名聞海外的烏龍麵. 高知城是日本 12 座原始風貌保存最完好的城堡之一. 從四國八十八箇所的第一座寺院:德島的靈山寺,踏上巡禮的第一步. 在道後溫泉泡湯(據傳是吉卜力動畫的靈感來源),在馳名的溫泉內放鬆身心. 參考連結. Tourism SHIKOKU.

  6. 通往瀨戶內海的門戶:高松市. 高松是位於四國北部的熱鬧港口城市,是 香川縣 的首府,也是通往瀨戶內海諸多美麗島嶼的門戶。. 高松市位置優越,可以作為遊覽附近區域的起點,當地也有許多獨特的景點。.