雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 最新信用卡優惠. 預訂行程兼用Pay with Points憑分消費享高達HK$1,020獎賞. %body% 依家憑指定Citi信用卡簽賬滿指定金額,即可獨家享高達 HK$720 即時折扣, 用埋Pay with Points憑分消費抵銷簽賬,再賺高達 HK$300 禮券! 即用KKday預訂本地以至外地吃喝玩樂,買景點門票或預訂觀光行程, 享即時折扣後記得用埋Pay with Points抵銷簽賬,分分鐘唔使錢就已經安排好您嘅行程! 推廣期:2023年1月9日至2月28日. 禮遇1:簽賬先賺高達HK$720即時折扣. 備註: 限額共2,000份,數量有限,先到先得,額滿即止。 禮遇2:用 再賺高達HK$300禮券. 備註: 限額共5,000份,數量有限,先到先得,額滿即止。

  2. Spend a designated amount with your designated Citi Credit Card now to earn up to HK$720 limited-time exclusive rewards. Receive up to HK$300 extra rewards by offsetting your spending using Citi Pay with Points! Plan with KKday now for your next local or overseas trip.

  3. Citi Pay with Points is now available at KKday, whether you want to book your experience for a local or overseas trip, or buy attraction tickets and explore the most authentic tours , you can simply use Pay with Points to offset your purchases after making the order at Hong Kong KKday platform!

  4. 依家喺Starbucks ® Rewards Mobile App綁定Citi信用卡,並憑卡手動增值您嘅星巴克卡, 以及用Citi積分抵銷簽賬,可獲賞星巴克電子現金券! 把握限時優惠,大歎「星」級滋味! 由於反應熱烈,名額已滿,多謝支持! 推廣期:由即日起至2024年5月31日. 一於立即綁卡,再密密增值兼憑分消費,就可賺完再賺! 綁定Citi信用卡. 登入香港星巴克App. 輸入您嘅Citi信用卡資料並確認添加. 1. 2. 3. 以上版面及數字只供參考. 輸入您想增值嘅金額並選擇您已綁定嘅Citi信用卡. 1. 2. 3. 以上版面及數字只供參考. 進行身份驗證. 1. 2. 3. 以上版面及數字只供參考. 即去星巴克了解更多. 提提您. Shopping完想睇返信用卡簽賬紀錄?

  5. 合資格客戶需於同一階段內憑Citi信用卡累積合資格外幣簽賬相等於HK$3,000或以上,方可於相關階段之合資格外幣簽賬獲得6%簽賬回贈 (「優惠1」)。. 合資格客戶不論使用多少張Citi 信用卡簽賬,每階段最多可享HK$450額外回贈,由優惠1可享之額外回贈最多為HK$900 ...

  6. 日日都要搭巴士返工、返學嘅您,想慳多啲交通費?. 依家可以用Citi積分搭巴士喇!. 上最受歡迎嘅App1933憑Citi積分兌換至club1933積分,再轉換成eCoin,喺超過4,000架九巴及龍運巴士,. 上車就可以即刻用嚟畀錢! club1933積分仲可以換領其他九巴禮品!.

  7. Citi Plus Credit Card is designed with a host of powerful features. Access the features and enjoy the ease of making payments at your convenience. The cards also offer a wide range of privileges to facilitate a wholesome experience. Citi Pay with Points. Offset transaction with Points in a click. “FlexiBill” Installment Program.