雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 滙豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司(下稱「主辦單位」)為滙豐保險「描畫幸福.實踐承諾」創作比賽(下稱「比賽」)的主辦單位。. 所有參賽者(下稱「參賽者」)必須由香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司(及其繼承人及受讓人)(下稱「匯豐」或「本行」) 現有 ...

  2. 近期Jason聽到一位中學同學Mark的壞消息。 Mark不幸被確診患上肺癌,因以往工作繁忙,沒有安排個人的醫療保險。 雖然公司有醫療保障,但不足以應付龐大的醫療開支。 由於要接受治療,Mark不能繼續工作而導致家庭面對財政困境,從而影響了家人情緒。 Jason 想到自己是家中經濟支柱,若不幸患上危疾影響工作,將為家庭帶來沉重經濟負擔。 Jason不希望同樣情況會發生在自己家庭,所以需要為自己建立保障,以應對癌症這一類需要長時間治療、休養,亦有機會復發甚至擴散的危疾。 如不幸患上癌症,按一般估算需要約5年時間醫治及康復。 因此,以Jason 5年的收入估計,他需要的保障額約為港幣390萬 * 。 Jason的每月收入當中,大部分已投放在家庭開支及孩子的教育儲蓄方面。

  3. The definition of “middle class” has long been a subject of debate. In May 2022, HSBC Premier conducted a survey of 1,000 people in Hong Kong for fresh insights into middle class aspirations and financial needs. A key finding: a middle class person is widely thought to be someone with an average of HKD5.9 million in liquid assets. And, due to a combination of social and other factors, the ...

  4. is estimated to be needed for retirement. Over half (56%) find this goal challenging. Amid interest rate uncertainties, investments pave the way for passive retirement income. Investments lead as the preferred post-retirement income source. 55% are amplifying investments and time deposits due to economic trends.

  5. How will people spend these additional years of old age? We invited slashies -- Mr Lawrence Cheng, Ms Deborah Woo and Mr & Mrs Yan (volunteers of Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service) to share the tips on how to live a productive ageing life. Let’s break the

  6. retailbank.hsbc.com.hk › ins › enLIFE Talk - HSBC

    Many people are joining the ranks of the slashies and creating new identities for themselves. One of them is Mrs Cheung, a former housewife who has transformed herself into a YouTuber with a large following and living a retirement life with a difference. What is her story? Let’s talk to Mrs Cheung about her recipe for success online and in life.

  7. 新型冠狀病毒出現變種,引發新一輪疫症,不少人士自行使用「快速抗原測試包」,若檢驗結果呈陽性,應如何應對?我們助您尋找答案。 疫症由2019年出現以來,擴散全球,經歷轉變,今後發展仍是未知之數,而當前增加不少病例,令醫療服務需求上升。

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