雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 大名鼎鼎的富豪雪糕Mobile Softee. 不過,如果你在香港街頭溜達,你也許會留意到一種特別設計的小車,白色為主的車身,藍色的車頂和紅色的車頭,從車上傳出音樂盒般的清脆的音樂。. 小車的車身寫著“Mister Softee”,現在已更名為“Mobile Softee”。. 這些設計 ...

  2. 花墟(Flower Market),顧名思義是以售賣花草盆栽,園藝工具等為主。. 這裡地方不大,但是卻是在香港大名鼎鼎的 [市集]之一。. 許多名人,例如周潤發,周星馳,德華也都前來花墟買花。. 就算不買,來這裡看一看花墟各種美麗的花卉,也會讓人心情舒暢 ...

  3. 小车的车身写著“Mister Softee”,现在已更名为“Mobile Softee”。. 这些设计别致的小车不仅仅是售卖雪糕的流动点,更是传递著香港人的回忆和香港的文化. 几十年来,【富豪雪糕流动车】的招牌音乐还是那首经典的 《蓝色多瑙河》 。. 当你听到这首熟悉的乐曲的 ...

  4. What is the Ladies Market? Hong Kong Ladies Market is one of the most famous and popular street markets and as an example of the typical local street market. It stretches 1km on Tung Choi Street with over 100 outdoor stalls. Also known as the Women’s Street, it is ranked on top of many bucket and must-do attraction lists.

    • Piu Sik Parade – Floating Color
    • Bun Scrambling Competition
    • Traditional Ritual – Returning The Deity Statue
    • Cantonese Opera, Lion Dance Performance and Others
    • Try A Lucky Bun on Cheung Chau Island
    • Only Vegetarian Food to Respect to The Tradition

    – 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm, 12th of May, 2019 The Piu Sik (Floating Colours) Parade is a dramatic re-enactment of the ceremonial parade held to drive away from the plague a century ago. The Carnival-like procession will proceed through Cheung Chau’s small and narrow lanes. Over 20 decorated floats as well as lion dancers, musicians and acrobats will join ...

    – 11:30 pm – midnight 12:30 am, 12th of May, 2019 The Cheung Chau Da Jiu reaches to the climax on the Bun Snatching Competition. Every year, the selected contestants will climb up on the 9,000 buns covered, 14-meter-tall bun tower and grab as many lucky buns as they can during the 3-minute race. Usually, the contestants rush to the top of the bun t...

    At the end of Piu Siu Parade, each team will send the gods back to the shed in a rushing manner. The faster arrival is considered to have better luck in the coming year. Along with a rush of gongs and drums coming from far to near, each of the parade teams led by Chinese Unicorn (Kirin) quickly runs into the shed one by one. Kirin will first bow to...

    Aside from the Piu Sik Parade and Bun Snatching Competition, visitors also have chances to enjoy the Cantonese opera performances, Lion and Unicorn Dances, Kung-Fu performances as well as traditional ritual.

    Make sure to try one of the Cheung Chau lucky buns. The “lucky buns” are made of flour, sugar, and water and usually come in the three flavors: sesame, lotus or red bean paste. Traditionally, the buns are stamped with the red Chinese characters “平安”, meaning peace and safety. The islanders and visitors love to get one of these buns for good luck. R...

    One of the most important parts of Cheung Chau Bun Festival is all the islanders will consume only vegetarian food for three days in order to purify the body and spirit, and also to commemorate those died in the plague. During the celebration of Bun Festival, most of the restaurants (over 80%) on Cheung Chau island have agreed to serve only vegetar...

  5. 香港一日遊. 如果你只有一天的時間在香港,不妨考慮一下我們以下的建議。. 香港雖然不大,但是還是有很多經典的景點的。. 所以這一日游可不會輕鬆,出行前記得穿一雙舒服的鞋,不要忘記了拿上相機。. 香港的天氣多變,記得帶上一把伸縮傘,下雨擋雨 ...

  6. 2019年12月15日 · Jade Market Hong Kong is a popular indoor street market selling jade, pearls, jewellery and semi-precious gemstones in different types and quality. As a thousand-year-long Chinese culture, buying and owning Jade are very popular in Hong Kong.

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