雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年8月8日 · The premise of Shinya Shokudo (literally, "Midnight Eatery") is incredibly simple: Every day after midnight, different motley crews of characters enter a tiny eatery called Shinya Shokudo, where they share their life stories. Yet the takeaway message from each episode can be remarkably profound, leaving behind an indelible mark in the readers ...

  2. 2017年1月26日 · 上图是静冈县伊豆市修缮寺的新井旅馆 我们按日文的发音顺序做了这些卡片插图,因此你很容易就能了解到这些约定俗成的规矩。 其中有些你可能已经知道,而另外一些,你就需要好好注意了。 日本的旅馆可以让人非常放松,但也有一些暗藏玄机,读了本文以后,参考我们给出的建议和解释,就不 ...

  3. 2018年9月22日 · 解读横滨,遍寻她的过去与现在. 如果你想体验日本的传统文化,你可以去京都奈良;如果你想体验日本的现代文明,你可以去东京大阪;如果你又想体验传统文化,又想体验现代文明,但是厌倦了到处都是黑压压的人群,也不想天南地北太过奔波,同时又不愿 ...

  4. 2020年9月7日 · After climbing the final staircase, you will find the lying Buddha, which measures a majestic 41 meters in length, with a height of 11 meters. Gifted to Japan by Myanmar in 1995, this statue captures the Buddha's transition to Nirvana, a process which holds incredible significance in Buddhism. Be sure to touch its massive pair of feet or grab ...

    • 消除厄運護身符。這種護身符,叫做【消除厄運符】,會保佑你遠離厄運和災難。你可以選擇你最喜歡的護身符隨身攜帶哦!如果你有興趣想了解的更多,來看看下面的介紹。
    • 交通安全護身符。這種護身符,叫做【交通安全符】。會庇佑旅途上的人們一路平安。本來這個護身符只是用在安全駕駛上,現在已經延伸到所有出行方式。ANA日本航空還特別為制作了壹款藍色的護身符,因為藍色代表著天空。
    • 學業護身符。這種護身符,叫做【學業成就符】。傳說它能給專注學業的學生帶來好運。對想學習生活中知識的人來說,它也能帶來庇護。在學生準備考試的期間,大家都會帶著學業護身符。
    • 愛情護身符。這種護身符叫做【緣結】,會帶給妳浪漫的邂逅,愛情和婚姻。傳言它能幫單身者找到未來的伴侶哦。
  5. 2017年8月2日 · Located in the outskirts of Sapporo, a large stone Buddha occupies the sprawling landscape. All 1,500 tons of it has sat alone there for 15 years. But when the cemetery decided they wanted to do something to increase visitors' appreciation for the Buddha, they enlisted architect Tadao Ando, who had a grand and bold idea: hide the statue.

  6. 2017年11月15日 · In 1922 the Japanese government declared it a National Natural Monument of Japan and it was incorporated into a nearby national park from 2013. Throughout the centuries it has been rebuilt multiple times; however, in 2015 the shrine burned downed completely.