雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 滙豐 | 滙豐One x T1 《League of One》 party | 滙豐香港. 透過HSBC HK App 5分鐘極速開立滙豐One戶口 5 ,贏取滙豐One x T1《League of One》party獨家門票,兼賞你價值高達港幣4,588元開戶獎賞 2. 登記參加抽獎. 由於非常反應熱烈,為答謝大家熱烈支持,. 抽獎名額將加推 3倍 ,共 ...

  2. 滙豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司(下稱「主辦單位」)為滙豐保險「描畫幸福.實踐承諾」創作比賽(下稱「比賽」)的主辦單位。. 所有參賽者(下稱「參賽者」)必須由香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司(及其繼承人及受讓人)(下稱「匯豐」或「本行」) 現有 ...

  3. You’ll get a chance to win exclusive tickets to HSBC One x T1《League of One》party, and get a reward up to HKD4,588. Thank you for the overwhelming response and support to this event! We’re happy to announce that we’re increasing the total number of winners to 1,200, that’s extra 3 times of the quota! HSBC One believes if you want be ...

  4. 怎樣才可盡享非一般年壽,度過愉快晚年? 我們邀請了斜棟族鄭丹瑞先生、胡伍小 女士及香港路德會社會服務處義工—甄生、甄生分享有關如何活出活躍豐盛晚年的心得,希望與大家一起「躍動無限耆」! Wealth ...

  5. HSBC Life is committed to discovering the little joys in the lives of the young generation and fulfilling promises together. Submission Period. 15 April to 31 May 2024 noon. Eligibility. Only HSBC customers are eligible to be nominees. Entrants will be divided into 2 groups: Junior Group: Aged 6 - 10. Youth Group: Aged 11 - 14. Prizes.

  6. The Hongkong Bank Foundation’s SOULFULL initiative, in collaboration with Food Angel, has collected over 1,000 heartfelt messages from various locations and crafted them into loving meal boxes, warming and nourishing the body, heart and soul of the elderly.

  7. 基于去年的洞察,汇丰卓越理财再次对香港中产进行调查*,以进一步了解最新香港中产的观点。. 汇丰卓越理财2023新中产报告深入探讨中产的理财目标及变化。. 主要发现香港中产:. 受环球局势和其他因素影响,中产在财富管理上所展现的新取向。.