雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年6月4日 · 從宮之浦港口出發有巴士30分鐘到達白谷雲水峽的入口處。 如果打算半日遊玩白谷雲水峽可選擇到達當日下午遊覽。 巴士回程時間最晚為16點10分,不打算在山時露營的遊客一定要在這之前走出。 前往白谷雲水峽的必要裝備除了水、機能食物外,防水登山鞋、速乾褲、雨衣等防雨裝備也是必須的。 屋久島最大級神木「繩文杉」 繩文杉是屋久島上歷史最為悠久的古杉樹。 推定樹齡為7200年歷史的這棵繩文杉,生長在位於屋久島群山密林的深處。 從荒川登山口出發,沿著森林鐵道前行,腳下的落葉發出碎裂的聲音,鳥兒歌唱,蟲兒尖叫,就連從樹梢掠過的風兒也會帶出沙沙的響聲。 預料之中的細雨來臨,穿過葉隙落入林間。

  2. 2017年11月15日 · Kabushima Shrine (蕪島神社) is located on the island of Kabushima alongside the Tanesashi coastline in Aomori. It was originally established in 1269 by local fishermen who would pray for a good haul and safety while working on the open sea. These days, people also pray for good fortune on the stock market, since the Japanese word kabu ...

  3. TOHOKU. 日本乡间. 这回博主凯酥在岩手县进行了两天一夜的当地小旅行,除了岩手知名景点“龙泉洞”等绝美秘境外,更安排了在都会地区较少见的古民家住宿体验与农事摘采等活动,本篇中将透过凯酥与在地居民的实际对话与生活,带旅人深入了解岩手县独树一 ...

  4. 2018年9月22日 · 解读横滨,遍寻她的过去与现在. 如果你想体验日本的传统文化,你可以去京都奈良;如果你想体验日本的现代文明,你可以去东京大阪;如果你又想体验传统文化,又想体验现代文明,但是厌倦了到处都是黑压压的人群,也不想天南地北太过奔波,同时又不愿 ...

  5. 2016年11月11日 · Pop Culture. Kamizumo: The Art of Paper Sumo. Michael Kanert Updated November 11, 2016. Video Origami. Kamizumo (紙相撲) is exactly what the name suggests: paper sumo. It’s said to have originated in the mid-Edo Period (1603-1868), accompanying the rise of sumo as a popular sport, when other versions using wooden wrestlers appeared as well.

  6. 2017年10月3日 · Kashima Shrine's Best Kept Secret. For the most part, Kashima Shrine in Ibaraki Prefecture looks like any one of hundreds of other Japanese shrines. Founded over 1,300 years ago, the architecture of the shrine looks pretty typical for a place of Shinto worship. However, if you make your way back past the rear shrine buildings, you’ll find a ...

  7. 2017年1月5日 · Kiyomizu Temple, or Kiyomizu-dera, is one of the most popular spots to visit in Kyoto. From its amazing architectural feats to the meaning behind its name, there are a few interesting facts and useful tips you might want to know before you visit! 5. Look Out for the Blue Light!